"we need to talk..."

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That night, I fell asleep, and had a nightmare much like the night before. Only this time the detectives and riley were mocking me in it.

I woke up screaming only to find farkle at my side calming me down and hugging me in comfort.

But I couldn't calm down. with each passing day the nightmares seemed to get more and more vivid and I feared it was only a matter of time before Mr. Matthews got his revenge on me for telling.

Even though riley was mad at me, I couldn't blame her. Even I can't imagine her father doing something like that. She just refuses to turn on the person who created her.

I kept remembering what Topanga said in the hallway.

"its like somewhere between the wedding and now you've been replaced. In fact, your nose, it looks diffrent... and your eyes.... they no longer say fun loving and quirky, its all dark... evil."

What if she's right? what if Mr. Matthews isn't even Mr. Matthews? what if he's been replaced? And If so, where is the real one?

im probrably just giving myself false hope.

When the morning came, a nurse came in a took some blood from my finger. It stung, but it wasnt too bad.

When she left, I turned to farkle. "farkle, why exactly am i in the hospital?"

"you fainted on stage remember? They said you were very malnurished. Why? how do you feel?"

"the norm. Tried, dizzy."

He looked at me. "thats your NORM?" i nodded "Yeah, your probrably not getting out today."

All that day, the only one that visited me was auggie and topanga.... and farkle, who stayed with me at all times.

on monday, farkle left to go to school and I was all alone. Around lunch, when they let me have a tuna fish sandwich, the nurse came in and took another sample of blood from my finger.

Why do they keep doing that?

Those were a rather boring few days. That is, until the detectives came back that afternoon.

It was 4:03 and farkle was talking with me when topanga, riley and auggie walked in with elliot and olivia right behind them.

"what are you guys doing here?" farkle asked suprised to see riley had showed up.

"we need to talk to all of you Guys together." Olivia answered.

"about What you Guys said about maya, we dont beleive maya was raped by Mr. matthews."

I glanced at farkle feeling my heart sink.

"the Man who attacked you maya, isnt Mr. matthews."

BOOM! plot twist! What do you Guys think? Sorry, it took so long for such a small chapter but Ive just been super busy lately.

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