"I'm coming home"

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man I feel so horrible. I'm dizzy, my eyes keep watering, my nose is really runny and I keep sneezing. eh... ill let you read now.

WARNING: I feel this chapter was poorly written.

"some of the other detectives ended up throwing up when they saw her." Olivia said.

"but we did find this." Elliot said and reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

It was white but also crumpled and dirty.

"my precious maya,

I shouldn't have left you. I was trying to do what was best for you. But I left you open for anyone to just hurt. I realise that now. I'm sorry. I hope you know I love you even though I really didn't show it.

There's a man who's been making my life hell for 15 years. When I was just a little older than you, all he did was rape me and cut me. I never had the nerve to tell anyone until it was too late.

Because of him, I had two children. That's right. you have a sister. Her name is missy. you probrably don't know her. she's just a year older than you.

I gave missy up for adoption hoping to get her away from HIM. but HE told me he'd hunt her down. He continued to hurt me and Then I got pregnant with you but he told me if I gave you up, he'd kill you.

I tried keeping you at home to keep you away from HIM. But you needed an education and you were always at that laundrymat trying to get some extra cash. and then I got mad and hit you if you came home late. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Now, I'm In an awful place. I get hardly any food and its so cold. I really wish I could come home.

There's lots of knives around here. But I can't get to them to protect myself and get back to you.

I saw some of the songs you've written in your journal. The one I gave you for your birthday? All your songs are amazing. I know your going to be something someday.
if your getting abused, don't do what I did and keep it in. don't wait until its too late. I hope I can come home and give you a big hug and kiss. But for now I'm here. darkest before the dawn I guess. But I know, no matter what it takes, Im getting out of here.

I love you so much
-Katy Hart."

By this time, I was a mess. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I noticed that Mr. Matthews, topanga, riley, missy and even auggie were all hugging me but let go when I looked up probrably knowing I didn't really like hugs.

"how long has she been dead?" I asked.

"since this morning. We think he... did what he did then... let her bleed out." Olivia answered.

"so... this morning... she was alive?" I asked.

"yes. She died approximately when the sun came up." Olivia said.

That was when I fell asleep. I thought.

Suddenly, I found more tears escaping my eyes and...I just ran to rileys room and just let it all out, reading the letter over and over. around the 5th time I couldn't take it and turned the paper away so I couldn't see the words anymore. but on the back, there were more words. it seemed to be lyrics to a song.

and the blood will dry
underneath my nails
and the wind will rise up
to fill my sails.

so you can doubt
and you can hate
but I know
no matter what It takes...

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