"I'm only human."

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The next day was Friday, talent show day and I was debating with myself on weather I should perform or not.

I couldnt sleep at all that night dispite I was exhausted from my lack of sleep lately. I was also starving. I hadn't eaten since Tuesday. After that I didn't have enough money for lunch since the laundrymat was closed.

I just worked on my song till 7:45 rolled around and then I got up and went to school.

I actually made it on time, but the presence of my teacher made me nauseous.

I went throughout my normal day. I got bullied by missy, tackled with dodgeballs, and ate lunch by myself again.

My 2nd to my last class is piano. at first, I only took the class because riley was in it but I actually turned out to like it.

In piano, I began writing the piano background for the song I was writing and actually it wasn't that difficult. I had the whole song done by the end of the period and I have to admit, its sounded pretty awesome.

We didn't go to our last class because everyone was sent to the theater for the talent show.

For a while we all just waited, it was loud. I ended up just sitting next to some kids I didn't know who were just blabbing about the latest video games.

After a while, a speaker came up an announced the first act and thus the show began.

There were people singing, dancing, some singing and dancing. But while I was watching I couldnt help but feel like I needed to be on stage.

"Even if your not performing with riley, you should do it. Your not not that bad of a singer."

The last act was missy. Who was singing the song dark horse by Katy Perry.

She finished and everyone cheered and I found myself trying to running to the front unnoticed.

"and that's how you do it." missy greeted comming down the stairs.

Then the speaker spoke. "I guess that's it for this year!"

"wait!" I called making the woman turn to look at me then back at the crowd. "just one moment."

"what?" she said approaching me.

"I would like to perform." I heard myself say.

Missy smirked. "oh id like to see THIS."

"ok, well do you have the music?"

I looked up on stage and saw a piano. "I don't need one ill just use the piano."

"ok then what's your name?"

"Maya hart." I answered.

the speaker got back on stage. "looks like we have one more act! give it up for Maya hart!" the crowd cheered.

"break a leg." I heard missy say as I began going up the stairs. "litterally."

I met the speaker on stage who handed me the Mic and wished me good luck and left the stage as I went to the piano and put the Mic of the stand.

I placed my shaking hands in position on the keys and glanced at the audience.

oh boy. I thought seeing the whole school stare at me.

why couldn't you just stay seated? its ok. its ok. You've done this before... with riley. just stay calm and sing the song.

Uh oh. what if your not warmed up? what if you sing the wrong words? what if you end up sounding like a walrus?

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