10 x Reader

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not really a X Reader but ... sort of? FYI I fell asleep during exams and this is what I dreamt

You were sitting in the hall, halfway through your HCS exam, bored out of your mind, you finished first, with 20 minutes to go. You look around, your BFF, Carmen was to your right, tapping her pen against the table, and your other BFF, and Whovian, Rychelle, was to your left. You were drawing ... something when suddenly your heard it.


You spun around looking at Rychelle and Carmen, they both looked at you, Rychelle mouthing 'TARDIS' you knew you officially hear the wonderful blue box. Without a word all three of you got up and rushed out the doors, ignoring the protests and threats the teachers were yelling at you. The three of you ran out following the sound, and there in the middle of the oval, was the TARDIS

"How is this possible!?" You hear Rychelle whisper

"Isn't it supposed to be just a TV show?" Carmen gasped for breath, Rychelle and you use to running everywhere.

You, with Rychelle and Carmen behind, walked up to the TARDIS, as you were a few feet from the door, they swung open and out came a stumbling Doctor

"OMG it's the 10th Doctor!" you practically screamed, unable to contain the fangirling heart of yours.

"What...How" Rychelle was shaking your arm, clearly fangirling too

"Oof, ok, what ... who are you" The Doctor stands up

"OMG it's the Doctor!" You say to no one. "Wait, how is this possible?" you walk around the Doctor, around the TARDIS

"What's not possible?" he questions

"I'm Carmen, this is Rychelle and that's Y/N" Your slightly weirded out friend explained as you continued around the TARDIS.

"Ah, yes, I'm the-" he starts but gets interrupted by you

"The Doctor yes we know... but how are you here! Existing!?" You let the 'logical fangirl' part of your brain, that you only use for theory's and understanding things, take control.

"You shouldn't ... unless ... OMG you're in a parallel universe! Again! But isn't that supposed to be impossible!?" You say, looking at the Doctor, joining the girls again.

"I ... what?" he was clearly confused

"It's the only explanation..." Rychelle agreed behind you

"Ok, summary..." You clap your hands, focusing yourself on the situation at hand, the Doctor looking concerned now

"You are the Doctor, a Time Lord, that's the TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, you travel the universe and all of time with her...How do I know all this? because you're just a TV show ... I mean, this is a parallel universe where aliens, magic etcetera..." you wave your hand "...Don't exist, yes, you don't exist here, your just a British TV show called 'Doctor Who'" You finished, Rychelle spun you around and the Principle with a hand full of teachers were marching towards you, and, what seems to be the entire school, behind them.

"Oh dear..." You mutter, you turn around and the Doctor jumps into the TARDIS

"Come on, don't want to get caught, close the doors behind you" He calls out, and without hesitation you follow him, Carmen closing the doors behind you three. "Hold on!" the Doctor calls out, and the TARDIS lurches to the side, nearly throwing you all off your feet. After a few moments of being thrown one side to another the TARDIS eventually stopped, humming quietly.

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