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Another one from murielthemagicalgirl, Im not sorry. she's amazing

this is specifically for girls, because ... girly things


Friend and Boyfriend

When its 'that' time of the month' 

9th Doctor - Friend

He is the last one to make a drama out of it. Nine might talk about how needless such a kind of body funcion is, and how other species handle that kind of thing way easier, but that's it. He might tell it like he's annoyed by that but he just feels sorry for you because of that period crap. The Doctor will not buy stuff for you because he is sure you can handle that way better than him. But if you decide its time to eat a whole chocolate cake he will organize it.

9th Doctor - Boyfriend

He hates seeing you in pain and curses this dumb thing your womb is doing to you. When you have a day when you crave just a ton of food, he makes this into a culinary event for you. He takes you to an alien buffet with the best stuff the galaxy has to offer. And he tells you what is good and what is not. When its cuddle time he wraps you in several blankets so you're warm and holds you in his arms like the over sized burrito you are right then.

10th Doctor - Friend

He's not awkward about it as long as he notices it directly. If he didn't get the clue right away and you tell him he's flustered a moment, but then jumps straight into Care-mode. When you can't help but grouch about how annoying that whole thingy with a womb is, or groan in frustration, he wraps his arms around you and strokes your back. He often asks if he should get you something, or whether or not you can go on an adventure with him right now.

10th Doctor - Boyfriend

He is not that kind of a Doctor but he does anything in his might to assist you like one. Ten puts a bunch of heat cushions into the Tardis interior to keep them warm so there's one ready whenever you need one. He enjoys resting a bit too since he won't let you run off somewhere when you are in agony. So you spend a lot of time in the Tardis or at your place, where you lie cuddled up in bed and show each other movies. It doesn't get boring like that. He shows you some hella nice soaps from the future, and you familiarize him with stuff like Twilight. His reaction on that is so hilarious. You two still have running gags about Edward the nocturnal disco ball.

11th Doctor - Friend

He had many many female companions before but.. he simply doesn't keep that information in his mind so when you start doing the period things he will be like ???? When you explain it to him he's very horrified by it and probably asks how to cure that. He avoids that matter mostly, but when you tell him what you need he does his best to get you that stuff.

11th Doctor - Boyfriend

When you start eating like you are going to starve any minute and get all the sweets and chocolate, he isn't questioning it and throws himself into the candy too. He's a manchild after all. You have to be blunt about it because he won't put the pieces together by himself. He's absolutely ready to cuddle you any time you need it. But shopping for you is the funniest thing ever because he is really not sure what to buy first and buys anything but what you actually wanted.

12th Doctor - Friend

He can be even more clueless than his former regeneration. And is going to scan you and bring you to a hospital because he figured that you are bitten by a alien bug or something. He doesn't listen to you and drags you to the best hospital in the galaxy so you have to practically yell to stop a moment in a horde of alien nurses to make him listen. He is very confused about it. And he is even silent a while before stating that this has to be absolutely awful and asking how on earth you survive this.

12th Doctor - Boyfriend

He gets it faster when you are a couple, because he knew you would tell him immediately if something is wrong, and that means it's a human thing you are used to. He remembers the behaviour somehow, and without really knowing what exactly it is he can make sure you are alright. He gives you sweets, like a custom, and makes sure you are warm. When you demand cuddles he's a bit stiff about it, but he knows you need it so he honestly tries his best. Twelve gets calmer with every time so it does good to both of you.

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