9Rose, a suprise

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STOLEN! again because I think yall should read these and follow these amazing people, this is from completelyrandomwords I also love the pic ^w^

Rose came slowly out of the sleep feeling fingers tracing gently across her abdomen. She tried to ignore it, burrowing deeper into the covers and pressing her back against the body behind her. She felt strong arms pull her closer and she stretched her legs out to entangle with his.


She groaned, pressing her face into the pillow and desperately chasing the darkness of sleep even as his hands traced along her body pulling her out.


'No. It's early. I'm tired. I'm sleeping.'

She felt him chuckle, the barest sound passing by her ear. 'Rose, I think we need to talk.'

A delicate hand snakes up, grabbing her pillow and pulling it from beneath her head and then swinging it over and onto his head. 'No. I am sleeping. Talking is the opposite of sleeping. Talk later.'

He nuzzled into her hair, breathing deeply. Rose giggled lightly and moved her arms around him, prompting him to shift above her and settle between her legs. 'Really? Talk later? Is that what you really want?'

'Ugh, Doctor. You've already kept me up most of the night. What could you possibly want?'

'I want to talk to you about last night.'

She looked up at him adoringly, a smile blossoming across her face. 'I am not going to lie here and tell you what kind of sex god you are until I have at least a cuppa in me. You'll just have to wait.'

The Doctor grinned a wide smile, eyes twinkling. 'While I would be very interested to see where that conversation goes, we have something much more important to discuss. And if the King of Running Away is lying here telling you that it needs to be discussed, then you should probably agree.'

Rose huffed a few strands of hair out of her face in mock annoyance. 'Alright, oh King of Running. What is so very important?'

'I can see timelines, Rose. I can see them start, I can see them twist and turn, and for the most part I see where they end.'

'Yes, your Time Lordship. I am understanding the concept. I do listen when you drone on.'

The Doctor moved his arms up behind her shoulders to cup her head in his hands. He angled her head so she was forced to look him dead in the eye. 'A new timeline started last night.'

She blinked at him, an eyebrow slowly rising. 'Okay? Do we need to go topple a dictatorship?'

'No, Rose. A new timeline. Woven around ours.' He watched her, looking for any sign of recognition.

'I'm sorry, Doctor. Tiny ape brain here. You're getting at something really important and I'm just not smart enough to pick up on it.'

He kissed her then, a delicate kiss in which he poured all the love he felt for her. 'Don't ever say that about yourself. Especially not in front of the baby.'

'Wait, baby?!'

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