9 x Reader

245 5 4

Suggested by @Estellethegeek

y/n is tired and keeps tripping, Nine kinda gets annoyed so he picks her up bridal style.

 (ok I've got 3 separate things, spoilers, one is when the Doctor carries you bridal style, the other is when he gives you a piggy back, and the 3rd part/thing is the ending for both scenarios, I'll just label the 1, 2 and 3. You can just read it normally/as is if you want, I'm just gonna shut up now)


"HURRY UP!" The rough northern accent of the Doctor yelled at you as you were both running through the crumbling streets of the main city on the moon of Poosh.

"I would be able too if you didn't set off that bomb and nearly crush ME TO DEATH!" you yelled back.

"You know I didn't mean too" he growled and ducked behind a type of vehicle. You crouched beside him. "It's not my fault I pressed the big red button saying, 'don't touch'. I thought it would set the prisoners free" he said, checking over the side waiting for the stampede of screaming citizen to pass.

You rolled your eyes "You are such a child"

"Oi!" he glared at you. Of course he had heard that, what with 'superior Time Lord senses'

He then grabbed your hand dragging you up and you both darted across the street. The Doctor peeked around the corner, watching as the last of the citizens disappear, "Where nearly there"

You both continued down the street as distant buildings crumbled and fell. You shook your head, sure everyone on this planet was guilty for slavery and murder but they deserved another chance, which was why the Doctor was here in the first place, to give them another chance, to help them change their ways, but they had been taken prisoner and thrown in a cell with other aliens that tried to do the same they had. You and the Doctor escaped as you both always did and found a control room, there was a huge red button with a label clearly saying, "don't touch". And obviously the Doctor did press it, thinking it would release all the doors on the cells so they could all storm the palace and take over.

Except it didn't. The button was actually a self-destruct button, a giant bomb in the middle of the planet the alien king had made, and it was going to blow up in the next hour. The Doctor tried to stop the bomb, but all he had managed to do was speed up the time so they had 15 minutes to get to the TARDIS and leave.

And that how you both got stuck running amongst the crumbling streets to where the TARDIS was parked.

"Doctor I can't-" you started, but you got your foot caught in a crack and twisted it, you fell hard on the ground, slaming your knees and grazing your hands. The Doctor spun at your cry of pain "Quick y/n, get up! We've got to go!" he pulled you up and started dragging you down the street.

"Doctor I can't, I can't" you sobbed and sat down on the curb. Instead of yelling at you, the Doctor scanned your foot with concern, reading the results he sighed in relief "its not broken, just a sprain, can you walk?" he carefully pulled you up. You shook your head, the throbbing pain in your ankle, knees and hands was screaming at you to stop moving.

The Doctor stared at you for a few moments, you could practically hear his brain trying to think of solutions.

"Alright" the Doctor said and turned his back to you, crouching down a bit "get on"

"What?" you squawked. Was he seriously suggesting you-

"Hurry up and get on" the Doctor barked over his shoulder. Without wanting his Oncoming Storm rage coming at you, you quickly jumped onto his back, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders, not wanting to strangle him. Once you were settled and the Doctor held his hands on your thighs, making sure you won't fall off, he quickly jogged down the street to the TARDIS.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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