10 x Reader 1

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I fricken love that scene and this gif XD XD XD

Something smol

y/n Wilson was living a great life, you had a big happy family, a good group of friends, and you enjoyed her job at the local phone store, your school work was easy. Life was good.

But soon it all started to get too much. The assignments and homework piled up, people were more threatening at work, Your boss never liked you, giving you more work to do, your parents were getting a divorce. It seemed like life was against you.

"Go away, your so annoying" one of your friends finally snapped at you

"You so over-dramatic, Wilson" said another

Everyday you'd come home crying. The only person to help you was your little sister.

Days turned to weeks, turned to months, your parents finally divorced and split the family in two. Your dad took your little sister and you mum had you. You both moved to a small apartment in the city. You had to move schools, but no one liked you, you got a crappy job at the local fast food store.

"Its ok y/n" your mum would say "Its only for a few weeks"

But weeks turned into months and they turned into years. Soon you graduated from school and later moved to your own apartment. You put an add out to look for a roommate to split the bills, finally you got one, but they weren't exactly what you were looking for, the didn't do anything except pay the rent with you, they lounged around the majority of the time, and made a mess.

You often thought about your past, and that led you to often thinking about ending it all. You were never happy, the letters you and your sister use to share had stopped years ago. The last one telling you to stop and leave her alone.

You would often find yourself and the top edge of the building, but never had the guts to jump.

One day you were walking home from your crappy job, then suddenly a man that was walking the other direction grabbed your arm and turned you so you were walking with him.

"Just keep walking, Don't look alarmed, I'm the Doctor and I need your help y/n Wilson" he said. And for some reason you trusted him, he just had that ... affect on you. And so you went with him and saved the world from the destruction (again) from the Daleks (again).

"Thank you y/n" he smiled as you exited the TARDIS that landed on top of your apartment.

"No problem Doctor" you smiled back. "You never told me how you know me" you remembered how you met, it felt like days ago but it was (according to him) only 3 hours ago.

"Ah, well, its complicated" he smiled with a distant look in his eyes, fiddling with a ring on a chain around his neck.

"Ok, well, I hope to see you again" you waved and went down the stairs to your apartment

"Oh, you will y/n Smith, very soon" he whispered, putting the ring on his fourth finger.

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