Chapter 11: Predicting What Life Would Be Like If Daniel Was Still Alive

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A/N: This chapter will have some of the characters listed all gathered together and telling their story on What Life Would Be Like If Daniel Was Still Alive, and yes they're already gathered.
Kaden & Alice (Separate predictions)
Mr & Mrs. Riggs (won't have a prediction)
Tracy (also won't have a prediction)
Daniel's childhood friends (Cullen, Michael, and Joshua. Are Just here for emotional support)
Daniel's mom (Won't have a prediction, but will be talking about her son Daniel.)

"My prediction will take place after Daniel proposed to me, and no I will not include the part when he was shot."

Grayson's prediction...
Grayson's POV
"Look! A shooting star. Make a wish Grayson."
"I don't have to make a wish Daniel, because my wish has already come true."
"Your wish was to date someone who used to be suicidal?"
"No. My wish was to date someone as handsome as you, and when we first met I knew that you were the one for me."
"The one that you've been waiting for your whole life?"
"Yes Daniel?"
Daniel took my hand into his, he helped me stand up, and then got down onto one knee while pulling out a ring box from his pocket. He opened it and then looked me in the eyes.
"Grayson Riggs, would you do me the honour of making me the happiest man alive by becoming Grayson Riggs-Beliveau?"
"Yes, a million times yes."
Daniel placed the ring on my finger, then stood up and we shared one last kiss before we headed home.

On the road...
"Yes babe?"
"Since we're engaged I want there to be no more secrets between us, so no more hiding stuff from me, ok?"
"So I want you to tell me anymore stuff you might've been hiding from me since we met and moved in with us. But you may keep any personal secrets to yourself."
"Thank you."
"Now is there anything you want to share right now?"
"There are a few things that I may have kept secret, but you're not going to like them."
"Why? Are you going to tell me that those robbers were hired by you?"
"No! Why would I put your family in danger?"
"So you could become a "hero" in our eyes."
"I would never put anyone in danger on purpose."
"But you did when you invited my bullies to play grounders with us four years ago. Which got the both of us kidnapped and nearly killed us!"
"I made a mistake, and it nearly cost us our lives, but I'm only human. And we do learn from every mistake we make."
"It was a stupid decision Daniel! We almost died that day!"
"I know. And I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. And that was a long time ago Grayson, so why would you bring it up?"
"Look, I don't mean to ruin our special day, have made a lot of stupid mistakes in the past."
"I know. I fucked up, and I'm sincerely sorry. But I'm only human, what else do you want from me? I've already taken responsibility for putting you in danger and almost getting both of us killed. So what else do you want from me?"
"For you to stop making foolish decisions. Can you promise me that?"
"I swear on my life that I'll stop making stupid decisions."
"Thank you. And you understand that I'm only asking this because I love you right?"
"Yes I do."
"I want you alive and by my side until death parts us."
"As do I Grayson."
"I love you Daniel."
"I love you too."
Daniel and I leaned in and kissed each other for a few minutes before continuing our way home.

Midway home...
"Get down on the ground now! Don't try anything stupid or else your boyfriend here will die."
"Do as they say Daniel. Please."
"Can't we all just calm down and talk this out?"
"Evangelos, smack your hostage with your gun since "Daniel" here thinks he's a tough guy."
"Daniel if you don't listen to them I'm going to die, so please listen to them. PLEASE!!!"
Daniel lowered himself onto the ground, after that Daniel had a gun pointed at his head and was then robbed.
As for me I was knocked out cold.

1 hour later...
I started to wake up but Daniel was nowhere in sight, so I assumed that he was kidnapped until I felt someone tap me from behind, causing me to flip them over me and onto the ground.
"Hey handsome, whatcha doing up there?"
"Oh haha very funny! You scared the shit out of me!"
"I thought they kidnapped you."
"They did...I escaped before we got too far from here."
"And they didn't notice?"
"I'm extremely stealthy."
"Obviously. Now let's get out of here."

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