Chapter 42: Kaden and Alice

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Kaden's POV
"Kaden, Alice?"
"Yes Aunt Tracy?"
"Grayson and Chandler would like to have a word with you and Alice. They're in the living room waiting for you."
My sister and I left our room, walked over to the living room and sat down across from Grayson and Chandler.
"Can we help you?"
"We were just wondering if you've seen Daniel lately, I may have not seen their face but Daniel saved my life once again. He saved me from being hit by a car while me and Chandler were playing baseball catch. He accidentally threw the ball to high and it ended up going into the street. So if it wasn't for Daniel I'd be in the hospital, and the reason I know it was him was because he winked at me, but he took off straight after he saved me, so we figured that he might've come here."
"We haven't seen dad since the funeral. But we will keep a look out. He's out there somewhere. I'm not sure where, but wherever he is he's obviously keeping an eye on both of you."
"My brother's right, he's out there keeping an eye on you, but he probably has a reason for keeping his distance. And that may explain why he took off after he saved your life Grayson."
"Well as long as he's safe we don't have to worry, right Grayson?"
"I guess."
"We know that you miss him Uncle Grayson, Kaden and I miss him too. We think about him everyday, we even have dreams about him."
"So do I."
"But sometimes I have that dream I had way back when Daniel was in the hospital. I remember every detail of that dream, and it almost played out exactly like it did in my dream when we all went to visit him."
"Care to tell us about what happened in your dream?"
"Just let me get a drink first, ok Grayson? And would any of you like a drink as well?"
"Just bring us some water please and thank you." Chandler states.
"Some orange juice please."
It didn't take me long to bring everyone their drinks, and once I did I took my seat next to Alice.
"Now, where were we?" Kaden asks.
"You were about to tell us about that dream you had." Grayson proclaims.
"Right. And I've only told two people about this dream and you all know who that is."
"Everyone ready? But I did tell the rest of you the short version of the nightmare, but I'm gonna tell you everything that happened in my nightmare. So is everyone ready?"
"All right here goes. This is what happened..."

Kaden's dream...
Daniel just started to wake up and from the look of it his vision was blurry, so he couldn't make out any of the figures around him, but he recognized our voices.
"Daniel. You're ok!" Grayson states
"Of...course I'm...ok, why...wouldn't I be?"
"Because you've been in a coma for six months." Chandler implies.
"You'"Grayson declares.
"Geez, you didn't have to talk that slow."
"Well, you didn't really hear me the first time."
"Because I've been asleep for six months. It's going to take me awhile to fully recover."
"True, are you sure that you're all right?"
"I'm sure. The stitches have been removed and the skin in that area has grown back."
"Thank God. I thought we were going to lose you."
"Kaden, Alice are you here?"
"Yes, we're here. And we're so glad that you're all right."
"Dad, can I talk to you alone?" Kaden wonders.
Everyone but Kaden left.
"So, what did you want to talk about Kaden?"
"Because she was really depressed that you were going to die and even more depressed when she found out that you were in a coma."
"Did she..."
"No. Because I kept my promise to you. I kept her safe."
"Thank you. I got up from my bed, knelt down and Kaden instantly hugged me. I hugged back and it lasted for six minutes.
"I missed you dad."
"I missed you too dad. And I'm glad that you're all right."
"And I'm glad that all of you are all right."
"When you were out what did you dream about?"
"I dreamt about all of us having a welcome back party and the both of us going to baseball games, hockey games...well, you get the idea."
"Did we catch any foul balls?"
"Yeah, quite a few. We kept one and gave the others away to other kids."
"So that's all you dreamt about?"
"Pretty much."
"You're not going to, you know...change because of what happened...are you?"
I didn't answer Kaden's question, not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't want him to know the truth.
"You are...aren't you."
"It's complicated."
"I don't want you to change. You're perfect the way you are."
"You mean the way I used to be."
"You really shouldn't change. I love you the way you are."
"I was weak before and the new me will be much stronger."
"I don't think that I like the new you. And you're going to regret it sooner or later."
"No. I won't."
"Then I'll go back to hating you and back to the fact that you're dead to me."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Try me. You and I both know that you wouldn't hurt me."
"Maybe before, but now...I don't care about you."
I was about to hit my dad but he blocked it, then spun me around, and snapped my neck.

Grayson's Revenge (a Chandler and Grayson Riggs fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now