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Hi guys.. Sorry for not updating as exams are due next week so was busy with assignments. Extremely sorry.. It will not be repeated as I am writing chaps in advance.

This chap will be avneil's past. Since the next chaps are going to be very much dramatic n emotional I wanted this to be a happy one. But this will contain a bit of the disease too.

Happy reading..! ☺️

February 26th,Sunday,Neil's pov

Today is very much special for us as it's our first date after we confessed our relation. And this was also necessary since avni had been stressful since few days due to her father and also due to my health.

All the preparations have completed and I was now waiting for the clock to tick 6 and for avni to arrive.

Avni's pov

I was thinking of what happened in the last few days as it was totally unexpected for me that my father would again return in my life. I remember the day when in my first year he entered my life again. At that time if neil would've not been in my life then I don't know what I would have been my situation now.

Thinking of neil he has been unwell since two days but I am not able to figure out as to what happened actually to him. Suddenly his body heats up to a temperature that no one can touch him and then by evening or in the span of four to five hours his temperature goes back to normal. And then at nights he starts to sweat severely. The reason still unknown.

When I was thinking of him the idiot calls up and informs that he wants me to meet him at the beach in evening says he has some surprise for me. I had completed my daily chores, dressed up, said bye to maa and went to meet him.

Beach-Avni's pov

I reached the beach by 5:50 and was searching for neil. As it was sunday the beach was crowded. While I was busy searching for him a kid came and gave me a card.

The card read "Hi beautiful.. I notice you've been searching for me.. If yes then come and find me.."

Then another kid came and asked me to go towards a balloon seller. I went near to him. He gave me a rose and another card.

The card read "Rose.. The most delicate and beautiful flower.. I was thinking of an appropriate gift for you when this small flower came into my mind.. So this rose for the lady who has made my life cheerful and fragrant just like the rose.."

The balloon seller then asked me to follow the arrow marks. I was searching for them here and there when I found one drawn on the sand. I went towards it and then I found another one drawn on the caps stall present there. The next one was on a tree.

As I followed the arrows they ended up taking me to the back part or say less crowded part of the beach with a few trees. When I saw a light a bit far away from the place I am standing I went into the clearing and the sight in front was beautiful.

A small tent with four pillars was made. It was decorated with white curtains, red and baby pink flowers and red balloons.. Under the tent a table for two was arranged with candles and few dim lighted bulbs giving the correct lighting to the scenario. The view ahead was of the sea smoothly hitting the rocks and backing away along with a beautiful sunset. The atmosphere was totally heavenly..

Author's pov

Neil came from behind a tree and welcomed her like a queen. He went towards the chair and moved it backward and said "Please have a seat, Milady.." Avni obliged and went and sat on the chair.

He then opens the lids of the bowls placed on the table and avni was surprised to see poha in the plates. Neil served her and made himself seated opposite to her.

While avni was having her poha rejoicing the taste of it in every morsel neil was busy in ogling her. She was looking beautiful in a off shoulder black gown accessorised with earrings and a golden belt around her waist.

While eating she noticed that he was not eating and was staring at her without blinking. Avni then shake neil up thus bringing him out of his reverie. She then asked him to eat and when she was about to serve him she noticed that there was only few spoons of poha left.

Avni became sad on learning that she ate up the whole poha without even asking him to eat. Neil seeing her sad face came up with an idea that if she feeds him with her hands then he will be happy and also said that his stomach will be full.

Avni then fed him the rest of the poha with her hands and neil being him ate it with full of joy and smiled whole heartedly thus conveying avni that his stomach is full and indirectly bringing her out of her sad mood.

After having poha, neil took her to the seashore and both of them sat in the sand hand in hand. They were gazing the sky which was slowly turning its shade from orangush pink to blackish purple with small white spots on it.

Avni was lying beside neil with her head on his chest listening to his heartbeats that's when she remembered that he was unwell yesterday and that she had asked him to go to the doctor.

When she asked whether or not he went to the doctor he got scared. Now he knew that the lady lion will eat him alive. She had told him very much strictly that he had to go to doc but he being lazy as always did not go.

That was it the lioness roared at him out of concern and care. Neil kept his hand on her mouth to silence her and at that time both their eyes met. Something between them ignited at that point.

Neil slowly removed his hand and went closer to her, near to her earlobe while his breath was fanning on the side of her neck. Avni was slowly beginning to lose her sanity due to the proximity between them.

Neil's one hand was on her cheek and the other hand was on her waist. Though her waist was covered with the cloth but avni was feeling like he was touching her bare waist. While avni was busy drowning in his ministrations neil slowly moved his hand towards the upper part of her back.

He then slowly caressed her back and opened the zip of her gown a little bit. Avni was shocked but then absorbed it. Neil was slowly caressing her back drawing patterns along with kissing her on her cheek then continuing along her jaw line then shoulder blade. Avni was just moaning his name and gasping and was controlling her from totally losing her sanity but it was becoming hard for her as the cool breeze along with neil's ministrations on her back were distracting her.

Suddenly neil stopped kissing her and rested his hand on her bare back. She was not able to comprehend why he stopped. When avni opened her eyes she saw that neil was staring at her lips and then when he looked in her eyes she understood and gave the permission for him to kiss her.

Neil claimed her lips gently while his hand was still on her back and she also reciprocated the kiss. The kiss slowly started to become passionate and neil while kissing zipped her gown up in a sec. Avni was startled by his action for few minutes while neil was still kissing her. Soon she also reciprocated after absorbing the electric jolt.

After what felt like ages they both parted and joined their foreheads together panting heavily. Both of them smiled recollecting their moment. Avni was all red and was not able to meet his eyes and when neil tried to lift her face up she just snuggled closer to him hiding her face in his chest.

Thus the day ended with both the love birds who were destined together spending time with each other but how long will their happiness be lasted........

Hope you enjoyed reading.. Do tell your views, they mean a lot to me...

The next update may be on Saturday or Monday. The upcoming chaps are going to be sad and twisting. Do wait for them...

Love.. Hira.. ❤️❤️

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