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Hi fam... Sorry for not updating.. Finally ashish is going to enter..

Enjoy reading..!!

Italics - Flashback

XYZ Place

A person was punching the punching bag very hard. The person appeared to be in his mid 40's and was punching the bag real hard as if he was taking out someone's anger by doing the punching.

After good 10mins he resumed punching and sat on the bed present in the room. He took his phone and dialed to someone.

Person: Find out where this Mr. Kumar lives immediately, understood.

Person on the other side: Yes, sir.
(Call ended)
Person: I will not allow you to live neil, you destroyed my dream of living with my daughter now you have to pay for it. I have tried killing you once but I failed which I am going to correct this time.

And he laughs evily. The person is revealed to be ashish. He hates neil because neil was the reason that avni is living with neela ma and not with ashish.

Mr. Kumar's House

Ashish: Hello Mr. Kumar. Will you not ask me to come inside.

Mr. Kumar: Come inside.

Ashish: I see you are going somewhere tomorrow.

Mr. Kumar: How do you know and who are you?

Ashish: Who am I is not important here instead I want you to cancel your trip to Mumbai tomorrow otherwise you will have to face my wrath.

Mr. Kumar: (getting angry) Excuse me, mister how are you and how dare you tell me as to what i should do and what not.

Ashish: Well if you don't want your dad to get killed you have to listen to me and you have obey me.

Mr. Kumar: (bit scared) What did you do to him? Where is he?

Ashish: Well he is alright for now but if you don't cancel your trip tomorrow then his health might degrade which possibly could be fatal to him.

Mr. Kumar: No please don't do anything to him. I'll cancel my plan tomorrow.

Ashish: And one more thing you will call and tell vidyut that you'll not be donating the bone marrow understood.

Mr. Kumar: Who is vidyut?

Ashish: The person who called you asking for bone marrow is vidyut.

Mr. Kumar: But his name was kishan.

Ashish: He is vidyut's gaurd okay. You don't worry about the names just deny for the transplant, okay, otherwise you know very well what will happen.

Mr. Kumar: I'll do as you say just don't harm my father..

Ashish went away after getting assured that Mr. Kumar will not be going to Mumbai tomorrow and will deny for the transplant.


All the preparations were being done by the doctors for the transplant. Avni was very much happy that finally neil’s suffering will end and they will live together as a family with neela ma and vidyut.

It was time to start the operation and the doctors, avni, vidyut were waiting for the donor.i.e. Mr. Kumar to arrive. Its been past half an hour from the given time of operation. The doctors advised to delay the operation to evening as the donor has still not come.

Vidyut was hell angry and was trying Mr. Kumar's phone from the past 15 mins but he was not responding. He did a last try and Mr. Kumar picked up the call.

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