Chapter I: Nights

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(Edited Sept 11, 2020)

The sound of multiple feet running, splashing through the puddles of water on the street could be heard as the rain finally turned into a slight drizzle.

The cold air rushing past their face leaving streams of evaporating breath behind their bodies, no one knew why they were running except for the people who were chasing the woman ahead of them... Dedspace the hacker.

Running into an alleyway hoping to escape up a ladder on the fire escape you became cornered by a wall with no way out as heavy breathing men starting to catch up. 

"You have nowhere to go Dedspace, give us the hard drive"

"Or what?" You challenged him as your eyes looked around trying to find something to fight them with, there was a pipe, a garbage can, and multiple trash cans. "Or you'll end with stitches, bitch" He responds walking towards you with the other three men cracking his knuckles as if he was trying to scare you, 

"I'll take option two-- Beating your ass with a pipe!"

Without hesitation, you flipped the pipe up from the ground with your left foot, catching it and swinging it his head causing blood to shoot out of his mouth as he fell backward onto the wet pavement having the water soak into his clothes before his men could stop you the pipe came down on his face three more times, having blood splatter onto your clothing and face.

One of the men grabbed your pipe which made you turn towards him and swiftly kick your leg up to kick him in his gut sending him flying back.

Twirling your pipe in one hand as the other rested on your hip you faced the other two as they looked terrified but ready to fight, "Alright boys... Who's next?"

Leaving the alleyway into the dark streets dimly lit up by broken streetlights you stuffed your hands in your coat pocket not trying to hide the blood that covered your body as one hand gripped the hard drive inside your pocket making a smirk appear on your face.

It wasn't unusual for people to chase after you for hacking into their system but hey... Money is money.

Passing by two women dressed in slutty outfits who you knew as prostitutes in your apartment you made it up to your apartment taking in the smell of scented candles. The calming scent of pine trees. Immediately you walked to the sink to scrub off the disgusting blood of the men the best you could without a shower your phone started to ring. Quickly drying off your hands you answered your phone,

"Dedspace speaking, I won't hack into your sibling's computer or anyone you're in a relationship with but I'll do if you give me a joint of that good shit," You said in a casual voice wiping your face dry with the towel just as your Saint Barnard, (Pet's name) came running from the bedroom to greet your presence.

"You're still smoking pot? I thought you said that you'd quit"

Sighing, you knew exactly who was on the other line. Tony Stark, the all known rich guy who needed some information about some company called Osborne Crops or whatever it was called saying he would do it himself but made up some reason as to why he wasn't but you didn't listen to all... Only to how much he was paying,

"I did but it was just calling to me ya'know?"

"No I don't, I'd rather have my kidneys fail from alcohol poisoning than have my lungs give out or get a big hole in my neck"

"Ya'know Tony, not all drugs do that you. We should hang out sometime and get stoned. You can met my doggie" You tell him shrugging off your jacket and throwing into the growing pile of dirty clothes sitting on the hallway floor. Keeping the phone to ear holding it with your shoulder as you made your way to your desk with (P,N) following close behind, "Ya know (Y,N), all drugs can kill ya. Do you have the drive or not kid?".

He copied your voice with annoyance which made you smile as you plugged in the hard drive getting ready to send the files over to him.

"Hold your ballsack old man, I'm sending it to you right now..." Your words came out in a mumble focusing on what's happening to screen coding everything, making sure nothing could be traced back to you or to him, "And... Send. Now how about them Benjamin Franklins' I was promised?"

You said in a smug voice almost sounding like one of those pimples off the TV, "Check your bank, I know you'd do it so I had it in there earlier"

"Wait what does-- And he hung up..."

Checking your bank account to make sure he wasn't lying you were a bit stoked to find out he gave you more than he said, "Twelve Million? It was only supposed to be four..."

Looking down at your giant dog with a smile you hold his/her face with both hands like always, "Guess who's getting some a Gucci dog bed? You are!"

Not even sure if they had Gucci dog beds you made sure to buy something for him/her that was expensive.

Twelve o'clock came faster than you had expected, (P,N) is already fed, you ate a small dinner of fish sticks and BBQ sauce downing it with a beer, rewatching an episode or two of The Office before making your way to bed with (P,N) sleeping next to you on the floor,

But the night is when everything settles in. It's when the thoughts that have been pushed back are coming flooding. It's when you take everything into realization...

Realizing just how alone you are in this empty, big, apartment. It wasn't like you could find a lover that would allow you to keep doing illegal things and feel safe to sleep in a bed next to you.

"Maybe I should move downtown... Or to Brooklyn"

You whispered to no one but yourself, almost everyone in the neighborhood knew who you were. A stoner, a Hacker, some times even both if it's a good night. Maybe a fresh start was what you needed, some new friends, a new relationship, someone to talk to instead of talking to a dog and yourself...

Human contact.

"No one wanted your stinking tiara, Cause no one wanted your sticky chair.

And why you always talk about the cool kids who take archery, Yeah, you're a shrinky dink.

You'll get a funeral if you don't wise up and call me, Carl Poppa--"

Before the song could finish you reached over to your dresser to answer your phone in a rude manner, "Who in the name of all is good Is calling me this late at night?" You asked, annoyed that people didn't understand after eleven o'clock you're done for the day,

"Is that a way to treat and friend?"

Sitting up in bed you stared out your open window, being on the thirty-first floor wasn't so bad when you got a great view. "Friend? More like money supplier, what do you want Alex?"

You replied folding your legs up until they reached your chest, wrapping your free arm around than before placing your head on top of your knees, this was a comfortable position, you sat like this on the days with nothing to do except think.

"Love you too hun, anyways... I got a job for you tomorrow, some guy named Eddie Brock, he used to be like this famous reporter and some shit but for some reason, he's almost like off the radar and we think that he might have something to do with that rocket blowing up and shit".

You shook your head at how he couldn't even say a single word without saying a curse word in his sentence, sort of like you. "This isn't the wild, wild west Alex. You can't go off a hunch so unless you got some real ass evidence-- I'm going to sleep"

Just as your phone pulled away from your ear his voice yelled meaning he had some evidence, "W-W-Wait a sec! I have some surveillance I scavenged from the explosion, it doesn't show a lot but it shows enough",

You listened to sounds of him digging through something then typing on what could possibly be his laptop, "I have it right here I can send it to you"

"No, we can do this tomorrow I'm too tired right now Al..."

That was probably the first truth you had told in a while,

"Alright (Y,N), goodnight hun"


New York At Night /Eddie Brock x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now