Chapter IX: Fair fight

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(I love having useless facts about Marvel to where I can only talk about them in books)

(Edit: Made some changes for the next chapter: Jan, 15th)

"So let me get this straight, you want me to help you two criminals put another criminal in jail because he's planning on taking over New York and killing you and your dog and you want me to help because I am the only one who he hasn't blackmailed yet?"

"Pretty much bro, yeah," she said picking up random things in his office at Stark Enterprises.

Eddie and Tony was the only one who sat in one of his chairs in front of his desk while (Y,n) roamed around and looked at all of the pictures on the wall,

"She's pretty"

"That's my wife Pepper and our son Peter," Tony told her crumbling a piece of paper before shooting it into the garage making the sound of cheers to off. But she already knew that

"So will you help us?" Eddie asked trying to get the conversation back on the track,

"I guess, I don't have anything else to do. Where the hell did all that money I gave you go? Did you spend it on drugs you crack head?"

"No you prick, it got taken away by Cletus when he figured out that I betrayed him," she said finally taking a seat next to Eddie as Tony continues to write a check for her,

"Why did you betray him, you should've known better by now".

Feeling their eyes trained on her she couldn't tell the truth without feeling vulnerable and weak once again so she decided to lie, once again.

"I wanted to show my brother that I'm not afraid of him anymore, but we need a plan",

"I was thinking, we can either kill him or send him to an insane asylum"

"Let's kill him" (Y,n) said liking the first the option that was given to them.

"Haven't you killed enough people? If we send him to an insane asylum we would have to prove that he is insane" Tony said sliding the check over towards her while facing Eddie,

"(Y,n) said most of the murders he did all happened in his office, the whole building has camera's that stay on twenty-four seven.

If we can get inside, hack into their system and get those tapes as well as being Cletus out into the hell-hole of a world we have he'll definitely go to the asylum".

"Can't we just save our asses some time and have you hack into their system?" Tony asked her while pointing a finger as she folded the check and put it in her bra,

"I can't, I created the security system there myself years back and I encrypted it with thirty-seven passwords I do not remember except for one,

I purposely forgot how I did so if I ever got kidnapped and someone needed to break in I wouldn't give shit up" she said feeling proud of herself even though Scream called her a 'stupid-ass bitch' but (Y,n) didn't pay any mind to the symbiote.

"Great. This is a great time but it'll take a while to get all the things we need" Tony told them,

"Such as?" Asked Eddie.

"Well, we need a photostatic veil and the only one available is in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters and we do not want to bring them into this"

"Wait, what the hell is a photostatic veil?" She asked wanting to know before she got even more confused once he started saying big scientific words,

"It's sometimes called a Nano Mask, is a device used by S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA agents to impersonate other people by imitating their face and voice. The original Photostatic Veil design was created by a Berkeley graduate named Selwyn.

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