Chapter VI: What?

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"What!? I am not eating a person!"

They've been together for about two hours and their already fighting, being together was going to be so easy when both females always want dominance over others, always give attitude and smart Alec comments plus they don't take shit from no one. This is going to take a long time.

"You won't be, I'll be eating them"

(Y,n) scoffed, "Last I checked you're inside me meaning that I'll have put their flesh into my mouth."

Before she knew it, (Y,n) was looking through the eyes of something else. Her vision has to be at least thirty times better, she could smell so much better and to be honest, something caught her attention causing her to fully take over with a smile growing into a smile. "I'll be taking over, for now, Honey. But tell me... How are you with heights?"

Still a little out of it and confused as too how she was now inside of the body of this creature the only thing (Y,n) could do was comply and go along with her symbiote.

"I'm not scared of them so--" Before she could finish speaking yellow and black web-like substance shot from their arms and attached itself onto the building ahead of them pulling them up onto the side to hang on. Surprisingly, no one saw what they had just done.

Scream continued to climb, jumping onto other buildings ignoring the debris that fell off onto the streets below until they reached one with height. With one hand gripping the pole that sat on top of the building while other hung to her side staring at the forever busy city below.

"Holy Hell... I never knew how beautiful this city was."

"Neither have I... I guess your world isn't too bad. I can see why my father likes it."

Those words peaked at (Y,n)'s curiosity wanting to know what or who exactly this thing inside of her is, it wasn't everyday some sort of parasite attached itself to you and why the hell are they still so hungry?

"Help me!"

A blood-curdling scream could be heard from down below as it echoed right to them, almost like the dinner bell had just went off.

"I think I just found some lunch." Without any warning they had let go of the pole landing on a nearby rooftop with a loud thud putting a large crack in it but paid no mind as they followed the sound of a woman's plead for help, the closer they got to her the more their insatiable hunger grew.

Propping themselves up on the edge of a building overlooking an alleyway they watched a man with a knife corner a middle-aged woman with a sinister smile on his face, it was clear he meant to do her harm. "Now come on, why'd you have to go and scream like that? You don't want anyone to-- What are staring at?"

The woman was no longer paying attention to the man but staring her wide teary eyes up at them on the edge, their legs spread apart as their hands were in front of them in a Spiderman pose, head slowly turning sideways with their hair moving as if it had a mind of its own. It was a terrifying sight seeing some kind of discolored creature starting at you from above, "What the fuck!?"

While the man was distracted the woman took a chance to get away and pushed herself off the wall, running into the streets just to almost get hit by a car but she didn't care, it'd probably be better than ever seeing that thing again. Fear struck the man hard, not allowing him to do anything but slowly step backward until his back hit the brick wall.

"My, my... What a delicious snack you are."

Their red slimly tongue fell from their mouths as they jumped from the building and stalked towards towards him having their tentacle-like hair reach out and grab the mans neck pulling him to them,

"This is the part when you freak out and ask for us to not kill you."

The man's scared face turned into a scowl as he spat, even now his pride was bettering his judgement. "Fuck... You." He jabbed his hand forward, stabbing them in the stomach before shaking in terror as he watched their body grab the knife spit it out onto the ground, "What... What are you?"

Their faces spilt, the left side (Y,n) while the other side was Scream,

"This is the part when you scream."

But just before he could do so, their mouth opened wide and bit off half of his body, throwing the rest of his torso to the side. Scream only needed his brain to survive but she couldn't help and take a little more.

"I was a little worried about us eating people but that guy was an exception." (Y,n) commented, staring at the corpse that now laid in its own pool of blood as their hunger stopped... For now.


Turning around there was a black hulking figure standing behind them, it's giant white eyes stared at them as (Y,n) was forced to face it alone. "You ass hole- Why'd you leave!?" She cursed the symboite while taking a few steps back. "What the fuck are you?" When Scream had went back inside the woman it made her feel oddly naked as the thing towered over her. This time her back hit the wall,

"Will you stop? You're scaring her."
Scream said coming out of (Y,n)'s shoulder with just her head. It was weird seeing Scream like that, making her really look like a alien in that form.

"Ah I-I'm sorry, are you okay? You hung up before could say anything."

She watched in confusion as the black figure started to shrink and morph into into Eddie Fucking Brock.
"What the shit is happening? Eddie what the hell-What is inside me!? I don't even--"

"Hey, hey! Calm down, you'll draw more attention to us. I'll explain everything on the way, but right now the police are coming." Before she knew it the black thing took over Eddie's body as Scream did the same seeing the blue and red lights flash down the streets. They followed Eddie until he stopped moving, "Eddie asked where's you live." He relayed the message,

"She said take a girl out for a dinner first." She was using jokes as a defense mechanism for her anxiety, not really wanting to tell them where she lived all that much. That made Eddie and Venom both sigh in annoyance, changing their direction to his apartment instead of hers.

"The window is open." Jumping onto the fire escape railing outside his window with (Y,n) doing the same as they climbed through his window, it was a little weird climbing into a window as if she was about to rob the place but then again that's what she used to back in the foster home.

"So you mind telling me what the hell just happened and who the hell you really are?"

He had just opened a window for her to get more information.


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