Chapter XVIII: Carnage

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"How do feel right now?"


"I can wait all day, unlike you, I have nothing to do later"

"... Annoyed"


"Angry... And maybe a little exhausted"
(Y,n) sighed a pulled the sleeves of her oversized jacket over her hands. Even though she was out of jail the judge still had the power to make her attend to therapy three times a week.

She was not one for talking about her feelings and life story. Eddie was the only man who she really opened up to. Maybe Tony as well.

"And can you tell me why you feel like that?" (Y,n) wanted to punch the woman in her face. She hated therapists. With a straight up passion.

"I don't know, maybe because I have to continue to talk to you. My brother hired someone to kill me and family as well as steal something valuable from my boyfriends apartment and--" She groaned while laying down the couch and propping one leg up on the other,

"I'm just real fucking tired right now" (Y,n) sighed while folding her arms over her chest as sniffling. She might have gotten high before this session even though she promised Tony that she would stop, the only way she was able to feel this high was if she left her symbiote with Eddie and to be honest, this was a win win situation for her.

"You seem a little out of it today, are you okay?" Karson, her therapist asked while setting her pen down on her board, "You did stop using didn't you?" (Y,n) didn't answer but continued to stare at the ceiling and finally feel something else instead of pain and pleasure,

"Ms. Kasady--"

"No formalities... And no-- I didn't stop using I-I don't see what the problem is! I've been doing for a while and--"

"And you overdosed, (Y,n)" She may have completely forgotten that they could look up medical records. "What's stopping it from happening again?"

'My symbiote... She'll bring me back to life' (Y,n) thought but of course, she couldn't tell that to Karson. She would literally be put on pills if she began talking about how an alien can stop her from dying and actually bring her back to life. Karson sighed and put her board down beside her before sitting up and resting her elbows on her knees,

"You'll never gain custody of him unless you stop using, (Y,n)... I know you want him back, it's why you stopped being involved with your brother isn't it?"

"I stopped being involved with him because I fell for an idiot named Eddie Brock-- He has nothing to do with it, he's already in a happy family who loves him and I'm not gonna mess that up" She responded to her quickly, it wasn't like she didn't him back but it was still too dangerous to even try anything.

Karson sat back in her seat and folded her hands in her lap, "Why won't you say his name?" She was too good for this job, she seemed like she could get a job in the police force and not talking to random people for help, "Does it bring back bad memories for you?".

(Y,n) sighed and sat up but didn't turn to Karson, she kept her legs propped up on the couch and pressed against her chest with her arms around them, "It brings back good ones... Ones that I'll cherish forever but I don't want to remember them because I know that they'll never happen again, he's a married a man, I understand that and I'm happy for him but just thinking about it makes me sad because I betrayed him too-- Damn!"

(Y,n) swung her feet to the front and slapped her knees while shaking her head, "You are fucking good! Actually making me talk about this shit" She chuckled and leaned back on the couch with a smile,

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