Chapter Four: Godlings and Godly Monsters

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"You ask so many questions," Madelyn sighs as she leads them down another winding hallway. There weren't many things left to show them now which meant that they'd have time to attend their last class for today. Even if she'd prefer not to, it'd be better for them to get a feel for a classroom setting so it wouldn't be so startling.

"Is it not your job to answer them?" Misty asks, raising her eyebrows at her as she crosses her arms over her chest.

She groans, "Don't remind me."

"Answer the question, won't you?"

"What was the question again? I didn't pay so much attention as to what it was aside from the fact that it was another question." She smirks when she sees Misty looking at her with her mouth open. "Just kidding."

"You're insufferable."

"And you're only required to deal with me for another hour or so." She smiles when she sees the annoyance on Misty's face growing. "Any time you choose to spend with or near me afterwards is of your own doing. It's not my fault that you're a masochist."

She groans, looking back at El for any kind of support. Only to find that she, once again, seems to be oblivious to their bickering as she looks around at the posters and banners covering the walls. Each one detailing different clubs and activities going on through the academy. She doesn't appear to hold any immediate interest as she takes each one of them in.

"So we've covered where you'll sleeping, what you'll be wearing and the extra parts of the campus' grounds," Madelyn says. The serious tone of her voice bringing Misty's attention back to her. "As you've seen each realm and world has their own thing going on. There isn't much left to show or tell you. Most of the classes are hands on so you won't be needing much. Anything you do need for a class, the professors will provide and you can safely put them away in your lockers if you so wish to."

Misty nods, silently taking in all of the information she just gave her.

"Now would be the time for questions," Madelyn adds, eyeing Misty.

She rolls her eyes, taking into consideration if she has any others when someone else speaks.

"What are the clubs and stuff?" El asks, her bright eyes still on the posters.

"Student Council, Drama or Theatre if you prefer to call it, Choir and other musical arts stuff. Creative Writing and a bunch of other things that I can't name right off the top of my head." She glances behind her, her expression questioning. "Interested in any?"

"Maybe," El answers. She finally turns to look at her, a pleasant smile on her face. "Are you in any?"

She shakes her head. "Not officially, no. Aside from being a guider there's nothing else."

El nods slowly, glancing at Misty who doesn't seem to have anything else to say in the moment. "Mm, what is Student Council exactly?"

"We do that differently here," Madelyn replies, unable to keep her surprise from seeping into her voice. Never pegged El to be the Student Council type. "We have the Student Body President, who is considered to be the leader that takes up actually handling things that the students feel should be done. Seniors, Juniors and Freshmen alike. Though instead of representatives for grade level, we have one per realm so to speak. So the seats on the Council go with a representative for the magic realm, one from the space realm, added along with two for the supernatural realm since there's a great deal of them, one for the Greeks, and one for the demons. The representatives bring up what their section feels needs to be done among other things."

"Who's on Student Council now?"

"There is no Student Body President just yet. The representatives consist of a mage by the name of Tobias Kinnely, a Martian by the name of Leslie Mei, Daveen Escalona, who's a vampire and Willow Green, who's an elf, hold the Supernatural seats. The demons have the representative of Lillian Sage and the godly monster Aurora Hunt represents the Greeks."

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