Chapter Five: New Year's and Surprising Guests

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A week or so later...

"How convenient that you guys got here just in time for the New Year," Madelyn says cheerily as they make their way out onto the mostly empty field.

She smiles when she sees the lack of students. Many of them had left the Academy for the holiday, leaving behind those who either didn't wish to go back home or didn't have a home for whatever reason. Which left them alone with the night sky and stars as their company.

That reasoning along with the fact that it's nearing midnight, so whoever is left is probably awaiting the New Year inside where it's warm and they could see, left the field open to them.

She looks behind her to find Misty shaking her head while El looked around the mostly empty field with a small smile. "Why are you shaking your head at me?"

"You sound so cheery."

"And you don't."

"I have no reason to be," Misty replies with a shrug. "The new year already begun in our world, weeks ago. It isn't such a big deal."

"Okay, so what? I'm not allowed to be cheery for my new year? Sorry that in this world time doesn't go as fast as yours, gods."

Misty rolls her eyes, unimpressed though having expected that that would be the girl's response. "It isn't that you aren't allowed, it's just surprising is all."

She raises an eyebrow at her. "And why is that?"

"Your girlfriend isn't here," El adds, kicking a small rock over. "And your moms are back in New York. You're here at the Academy with us. People who already had their New Years celebration."

She shrugs, putting her hands behind her head as she jumps up onto one of the many empty marble benches near them. "You're my friends and it's still a new year to me. I'm alive and kicking. I'd tell the new year to fight me, but let's be honest-"

"You'd lose," Misty asks, smirking when she sees Madelyn's mouth fall open in surprise while her mahogany eyes fill with betrayal.

"I would not," she snaps, making sure to let all the offense slip into her voice. "Do you know how long I have been alive?"

"Hundreds of years, yet you still can't get a drink."

She rolls her eyes, flipping her off as she grumbles, "Whatever." With a sigh, she starts pacing back and forth on the bench, "This new year can come at me, at the end of the day I will kick it's ass."

"Famous last words," an voice calls from behind them.

Misty and El stop short as Madelyn's head snaps straight toward the voice. A smile appears on her lips when she catches sight of a lean woman dressed in a black and red cardigan along and jeans coming toward her. Her red hair flows in the wind, shining brightly like fire in the dark.

"Mom," she calls excitedly, warmth filters through her as she runs off the bench and catapults herself at the woman. She grins when she catches her, a small 'oof' sound leaving her lips at the impact. "You're here."

"I am," she nods, holding onto her tightly. She presses a kiss to the top of her head as her daughter presses closer to her. After all these years and she still acts like she's five. "If you missed me this much, why didn't you come home?"

Madelyn shrugs, glancing back at El and Misty. "It wouldn't really be fair to leave them alone. Especially when they've only just arrived."

She nods again, looking at them all the same. "Elliot, Misty, it's nice to see you again. Especially in better circumstances."

Misty nods, smiling at the woman. "I feel the same."

"It's nice to see you too, Medusa," El replies with a grin. She opens her mouth to say something else, only to stop short when she sees a portal opening up behind her. She gasps when she sees a familiar pink haired woman come out of it, her gold eyes meeting hers. "Mommy!" And she follows Madelyn's example of running toward her.

Misty's about to roll her eyes when she sees another woman come out after her. Her platinum blonde hair flowing long and loosely down to her back. She smiles when she catches sight of her and it it isn't long before she's running after her as well.

Madelyn looks over just as Misty and El reach their moms, each of them hugging them close. She smiles as Medusa chuckles softly. "What's so funny?" she asks, turning back to look at her curiously.

"You excitement is adorable."

"Mm, I suppose it is," she replies, pressing closer to her again when a breeze passes by. She presses her cheek to her mother's shoulder, already feeling a small shift as somewhere the clock strikes midnight. "Happy New Year, mom."

Medusa smiles, pressing another kiss to her cheek, "Happy New Year, Madelyn."


Hiya wonderful readers and Happy New Years from my side of the world. This update was a bit short but that's okay. It is technically a part of the story, though not completely fitting to what was established but that's okay too. The next update will be longer.

Lastly, for those of you reading this, would you mind answering me a question? I am considering releasing another part to Titan Academy, though this one follows years after this whole story. Would you be interested in that, or no??

Anyways, that's all. As always thanks for reading and once again Happy New Year.

That's a rap, Vance out.

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