Chapter Nine: One Lie and An Apology

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He leaves the room in a huff with Hahn trailing after him. The rest of the class had been uneventful as the Professor had decided that after the recount they could work on summoning miniature versions of their auras. It wasn't a particularly difficult, not unless you've never summoned your aura, which he'd come to realize was the case for at least half of the class. He couldn't help but wonder what his partners aura would have been like, had she not walked out in her anger.

Her words stuck with him, ringing clearly throughout his head over and over again. My mother and I had been living rather peacefully with her sisters on the island of Sarpedon... But that couldn't have been true. Based off what his Great Uncle had said Medusa had been terrorizing Athens. How could they have been in Sarpedon?

Yet something about the way she said it had him believing that she wasn't lying. Especially with that look in her eyes, the hatred so searing and real.

He'd met many monsters before that had claimed they hated the gods and heroes for whatever reason, but he had never met someone who'd had that look in their eyes. Not even Medusa herself to seem to hold that kind of hatred, she'd been mellow in comparison.

He's drawn out of his thoughts by a faint murmur coming from Hahn.

"Are we right?"

"What?" he asks, not completely understanding his question.

"Are we right?" he repeats, running a hand through his raven hair.


"Over the past few weeks I've almost been killed by almost every godly monster that goes to school here because of what I wrote about their parents. Yet everything I wrote was based off research I did through first hand sources, like your uncle Poseidon and my dad."

"Heracles," Elias adds with a nod.

"Are we right? Or are they? Do they have a right to be mad?" he asks, easily remembering the withering look Aurora had given him.

"I don't know," Elias sighs. He brushes his hair to the side, closing his eyes for a moment. "Even having just met her, I find it hard to believe that Madelyn Evans would lie. Especially to the whole class. But."

"That would mean Medusa's story is true."

Elias scowls at that. "It would seem so. Which in turn would mean I was lied to, and that I find unfathomable. Uncle had no reason to lie to me."

"I can name a few reasons actually," a familiar voice calls.

They both jump, turning to find a woman leaning against an open classroom door. Her dark hair is pulled up into a neat ponytail, stray strands of hair from her bangs fall on one of the sides of her face. She wears a black button up shirt, a deep red blazer over it. Her arms are crossed over her chest, a single eyebrow raised at them in question.


"Hey Nettie."

Both boys greet at the same time.

She sighs, standing upright and gesturing to the open door. "Come on." With that she walks in, not bothering to wait to see if they're following after her.

Rolling his eyes, Elias goes in after her, Hahn not far behind. He doesn't bother to waste anymore time as he walks past Antoinette to her desk and sits in her seat, putting his feet up on the desk.

"So, you can name a few reasons?" Hahn asks, decidedly taking a seat at one of the empty desks.

She nods, rolling the chair away from her desk, forcing Elias to put his feet down. "Lying may seem unfathomable to you," she starts, reiterating his words. "But the Olympians do actually lie about things."

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