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Luke's POV

I sat on my bed as I hugged my small stuffed animal. It was a penguin with baby blue beads for eyes; my best friend, Michael, had given it to me for Christmas when I was ten. I remember being so excited and filled with joy when he gave it to me; I remember as his green eyes lit up with happiness as he watched me jump up and down. Looking back to it, it seems silly how worked up I got about a stuffed animal. But it was Michael who gave it to me and that made it extra special.

Now, I'm so glad that I treasured every single second that I spent with him. I'm glad because he moved a while after, but it' okay even though I really miss him.

I remember when we used to play on the playground all the time when that was where we met. In year six, people would claimed to be 'cool' would tease for that but we didn't care. We were having fun and that's all that mattered.

I remember we would sing along to our favorite bands and jump around in Michael's bedroom. Then we would end up playing video games. I thought that it was so much fun although I'd never admit that because people would probably call me lame. But we were having fun and that's all that mattered.

I rememember when we were thirteen and he told me that he was moving. I was so sad because I wouldn't be able to see my best friend again. I remember listening to him rant about why his parents should've told him earlier that they were moving so that he could plan things for us to do because he was going to miss his best friend so much. I remember hugging him and taking in his intoxicating scent that I couldn't describe but just seemed so Michael mixed with the faint scent of strawberries from the shampoo he would use when he stayed over. I remember saying bye and reminding myself that I wasn't going to cry. I remember telling each other that we were going to stay in touch and that we were going to see each other again. And I rememer the days passing by and the weeks and the months and I remember sitting sitting on my bed and hugging the penguin he gave me and wishing that I was going to be able to see my best friend again; I remember telling myself that it wasn't a big deal and that I should make new friends and I did but it wasn't the same because I missed him. And I remember feeling so sad and lonely and have such a strong desire to be able to talk to him about video games and music and the most pointless things and I didn't really know why. But I did know that I missed Michael so damn much.

It seems kind of stupid to miss him so much even though I know it's not. I kept telling myself to make new friends, but I was scared that it wouldn't be same. I knew that it wouldn't be the same because Michael and I had such a strong friendship that I couldn't even begin to describe. But in all honesty, I didn't want to spend my weekends alone in my room and being bored out of my mind so I decided that I would make new friends.

And I did. And they're amazing. But I still kinda miss Michael.

remembering you // muke auWhere stories live. Discover now