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Luke's POV

Luke woke up to sound of two voices practically yelling at him.

"Luke wil you get up already?" Calum said obviously frustrated.

"Lukeee get up or we'll pour water on you," said Ashton who sounded abosutely done with Luke.

"Fuck off," mumbled Luke before he buried his face in his pillow for ten seconds before getting standing up and looking at his friends.

"Why are you in my room this early? I didn't think you two would be so excited for school."

"C'mon dude. It's senior year. We are the rulers of the damn school." said Ashton overdramatically as he looked through Luke's closet.

"New year. New you." said Calum who was scrolling through twitter on his phone.

During the summer, Luke had replaced his glasses with a lip piercing. He didn't like his style anymore. Luke wanted to look more 'punk-rock' but Calum and Ashton thought it was ridiculous since Luke was really nice and smart and not 'punk rock'. They went along with it anways because they thought that Luke was finding 'his true colors' as Ashton had described it. So Ash took Luke in search of new clothes while Calum took him to get a lip piercing and messed around with Luke's hair.

"Here." Ashton threw Luke a red flannel, an All TIme Low black shirt and black skinny jeans with a rip on the knee.

After Luke got showered and got dressed, he put his hair in a quiff and put on his black vans.

"Why did you have to get taller than me," sighed Ashton as he stood next to Luke.

"WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE" Calum sang which made Ashton giggle.

"I wouldn't call going to prison an adventure," Luke said.

"Oh my baby is so grown up," Liz said as she pinched Luke's cheek.


After his mom told him that he was always going to be her baby, and being teased by Calum and Ashton, they drove to school in Ash's car.


When they arrived to school, Cal told Luke, "Get ready to wow all the girls and guys."

Luke laughed to that and stared at the students running to their friends and the freshmen looking around anxiously.

When they walked into school, Luke walked quickly to his locker, but before he got there he bumped into someone.

"Oh, I-I, uh, I'm really s-sorry."

Luke looked up to say that it was fine when he saw whoever was in front of him quickly walk away. Luke didn't see his face but he saw his hair which was various colors.

Luke smiled and said to himself, "Galaxy hair. Cool."

He opened his locker when Calum showed up.

"So it seems that I have Math first. I can't believe I have to start my day-" he got cut off when a girl dressed in a white crop top and very short shorts walked up to Luke.

"Hey cutie, what's your name?" said the girl as she twirled her hair. It was Brittany, the girl who had tripped him various time during English.

Luke looked at Calum with his eyebrows raised and a look on his face that said 'what the hell is going on' which Calum responed by shrugging.

"What do you want?" Luke asked.

"I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to come with me somewhere right now," she said after winking.

Calum looked like he was trying to not burst out laughing while Luke was pissed and annoyed so he leaned in and whispered, "Fuck off," before slamming his locker and walked away with Calum, leaving Brittany with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh my god, Brittany fucking Evans just-" he laughed"and you" he started sounding like a dying whale "rejected her" he starting tearing up and then said, "Man, that was awesome."

Luke just laughed and they both walked to Math class.


"You should have seen her face!" Calum laughed after telling Ashton about Brittany who glaring at Luke.

"That, my friend, is gold." said Ashton. No one had ever rejected her so their reactions were expected, but Luke just said, "I mean when she found out that I was me she tried again and said that a geek gone bad like me would get even more popular if I was with her. I just can't believe her."

Everyone had started to treat him differently and actually started to talk to him. Luke didn't want to be rude so he tried talking to them. He got more confident, but he was still awkward around people. He knew that a lot of them just talked to him because of how he looked, but as long as he had Ashton and Calum, he didn't care about his fake friends.

He looked around and spotted a guy with galaxy hair. He was sitting by a tree alone with his phone out. Luke wasn't able to see his face, but he noticed that he was wearing a Green Day shirt with black skinny jeans and black shoes. He dark clothes made his skin look really pale.

Luke interrupted Ashton and asked him and Calum, "Who's he?"

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