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MIchael's POV

It was him.


was all Michael could think.

Luke didn't look the same because wow.

His glasses were gone. His neon shirts and baggy pants were replaced with band tees and skinny jeans and wow.

Michael would be lying if he said he didn't think that Luke looked hot as hell.

He would also be lying if he said that his feelings toward Luke weren't back.

"Michael? Michael, oh my god it's really you! Can you hear me? You probably can't because you're asleep. Or are you? Are you dead? If you died I dont know what I would do. I can't believe that jerk did that to you! Why? Usually no one ever gets beaten up... But I've missed you so much and I can't believe that you're back and your hair! Your hair is so cool! The nurse said that you would be awake soon so I hope that you'll want to talk to me. I mean I don't why you wouldn't but maybe you wouldn't I don't- MICHAEL YOU'RE AWAKE!"

"Shut up, Luke," Michael mumbled.

The room he was in was so bright and the windows were open; sunlight was streaming everywhere, and it blinded Michael.

Maybe he was having a heat stroke because his heart was racing, but then again Michael didn't know anything about "medical stuff".

But then he looked at Luke who was looking Michael.

And Michael could definitely get lost in his eyes because they were so mesmorizing and bright.

And just maybe, Luke was making his heart race because his voice sounded so soft and angelic.

Maybe, Luke was the reason that Michael was starting to get nervous.

Maybe, Michael was starting to have a crush on Luke, again.



"I've missed you."

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