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Luke's POV

Three days laters, Luke stood by his locker as he listened to Calum try to convince Ashton that Fifa was, in fact, one of the best video games ever.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

He saw people gathering around someone as they tried to look closer at what was happening.

"-is why it's awesome! Don't you agree Luke? Luke?"

Luke ignored Calum as he walked toward the large crowd that had formed.

He saw someone who was wearing an oversized sweater with dark blue- almost black - pants being pushed against the lockers.

It was the boy with galaxy hair.

Anyone would be able to tell that there was no way that the galaxy haired boy was going to be able to defend himself from the large guy who was pushing him against the lockers.

Luke didn't know why he did it. It was absoutely impulsive.

"Hey! Let him go!"

Luke was standing close enough for the guy to hear him. For a second, Luke thought that the unknown guy was going to go over to him and start hitting him. Instead, he just glared and pushed the galaxy haired boy one last time before leaving.

'Well that was easier than I expected' Luke thought.

For the first time, Luke saw the galaxy haired boy's face.

His pale face made his red lips and dull green eyes stand out.

Luke was deep in thought before realizing who galaxy haired boy was.



well this was really short and kinda boring, but i really wanted to update because i haven't in a long time. i've been busy with school so i haven't been able to write, but i'll try my best to update since i (finally) got used to the new school. thank you to whoever has read this, voted, and/or commented!! i rly appreciate it!


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