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"I don't need a costume"________________

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"I don't need a costume"

"Calm down Max!" I followed him inside his house.

"Hey Max how was school?" His mom asked giving him a smile.

"School sucked! I can't believe you made me move here!" Slamming his door Max was gone

Immature cereal box

"Hey watch your language!" His dad yelled looking about at his shut door.

"Oh hey Adri, how are you?" His mom changed to the subject to me.
"Oh you know, same as always, just rad man" I gave her a thumbs up and walked to his room


"Oh Allison you're so soft"

My eyebrows scrunched as I saw Max cuddling his pillow.

Bitch, what the fuck are your hormones doing?


Danny came out of the closet laughing like a maniac, Max's wide eyes turned to look at Dani then at me, I laughed as well before jumping on his bed

"Has thou pillow replaced me" I spoke dramatically.

Max rolled his eyes and propped up on his shoulders, "Danny, what did I tell you about coming in my room!"

"Oh Allison!" Danny mimicked "it should be Oh Adri, Cause at least she's the only girl who pays attention to you"

Max covered his face in either embarrassment or,oh no wait yeah it's embarrassment.

"Shut up Danny" he groaned, his words muffled by his hands.
He grabbed my waist and dipped his head in my neck.

I grinned, it was a normal thing for him to do.

"You have to take me trick or treating! Tonight" Dani jumped up and down

"Not this year Dani" Max groaned.

"Ooh I will!" I raised my hand, smirking to myself I stood up.
"Gotta get ready my dudes, I have to look the bomb"

"Yes!" Danny cheered.

"What no!" Max sighed "fine I'll go"


"I thought you were gonna get ready Adri?" Dani looked at me, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion

"oh it's fine, I don't need a costume"

Max walked down not looking to pleased, he wore sun glasses and a hat

"What are you supposed to be Max?" His dad asked.

"A rap singer"

"Well then your hat should be turned this way"

His mom came running in very excited may I say

"Everyone say Cheese!


It's been almost 4 hours.

Never again will I make this mistake I groaned, my legs were aching by now.

It was already dark, but yet again kids were still everywhere

"You got enough candy can we go home now?"Max groaned annoyed.
Danny shook her head and turned towards the exit

Oh it's them

Crazy guys were just... being crazy?

"Come on let's go this way"Max grabbed mine and Dani's hand, only to have Dani rip out of his grip and walk towards the exit.

"No Danny" I bit my lip
Max squeezed my hand rather hard as he turned his gaze away from Dani.

"Hey pay up kid!" I heard 'ice' aka Ernie say.
He was honestly a real fool, in my opinion of course. Always trying to act cool and bitchin. Only to get himself embarrassed

"You can't do anything to me, and if you do I have my big brother and his girlfriend with me, Max! Adri!" Dani smirked

Me and Max awkwardly walked to them all.

"Hollywood and Chocolate girl? Dating?!" Ice spoke in surprise

I tore my hand out of Max's grip "we're not, Ice, so just leave us alone"

"Nuh huh, you're all trick or treating how cute!" Everyone laughed loudly.

"I'm just taking my little sister around" Max glared at him

Max tried walking away only to have ice stop him again "pay up Hollywood"
Max shoved the candy into him
"Here, pig out"

He grabbed mine and Dani's hand once again and walked away, the group of guys yelling shit again.


"You just embarrassed me in front of half of the guys at school! Just get out of my life!" Max yelled angrily at Dani

"I want to go home now!" Dani cried and ran, I turned to Max
"Wow nice going tonto"

I ran to where Dani was crying
I heard Max's footsteps behind me.
A hand grabbed me flipping me towards them

"I'll talk to her"Max spoke Gently to me
I nodded with a smile "that's a great big brother"

Max rolled his eyes playfully and gave me a quick hug before running to Dani

Max rolled his eyes playfully and gave me a quick hug before running to Dani

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