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"how are we ever going to find mom and dad here" Max asked as we walked to the huge building blasting loud Halloween music

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"how are we ever going to find mom and dad here" Max asked as we walked to the huge building blasting loud Halloween music.

I quickly covered my face not waiting to hear what the people up front had to say.

I coughed as I walked into the dance party, with sweating bodies, loud music and smoke everywhere.

"I'm going to look for mom" Danny walked away.
I nodded "I'll go with her" Max held onto my shirt pulling me back "no, you're staying here with me"

I felt Max jump a bit as we turned and saw his dad.

I separated from Max slightly at that moment seeing he wasn't paying attention.
The party was very obnoxious, I didn't like it at all.

And then I saw her, Wini.

My eyes widened as she walked closer to me "well well well, Adrianna, nice to see you've turned your back on your own sisters"

I put a spell on you

I shook my head "I will never be your sister"

And now you're mine

In the distance I heard Danny's high pitched voice "Max they're here! And they have Adri!"

Mary and Sarah came back "we didn't find them Wini" Mary panted.

"Adri! My dear sister!" Sarah laughed.

"Find them you idiots!" Wini yelled.

Then suddenly the lights flashed onto the four of us.
Everyone backed away.
And stared at us.

Wini held onto my arm tightly, I glanced at Max with pleading eyes.

And then Wini started singing my eyes widened as Max ran down the stage.
People cheered Wini on as she dragged me on to the stage.

"Binx where are you!" I heard Danny yell, I looked at them, Danny, Allison and Max huddled together.
Quickly I ran down the stage as Wini sang louder, her voice powerful collecting everyone's attention.

I felt someone grab onto my waist pulling me back. I quickly turned expecting it to be max but it was unfortunately not.

A teenage maybe a little older than max gripped onto my hips pulling me into him "Sanderson sister huh?" He spoke.

I shook my head "sorry I really have to go" I looked around for anyone but they were all dancing not paying attention .

The guy held onto me tighter making me wince "let me go" I struggled against his hands.

"Adri!" I looked up to see Max coming my way, in an instant he punched the guy making him fall to the ground.

Max searched my face "what did he do? Did he hurt you?" He grabbed my arms scanning them

I shook my head "come on max" I dragged him out onto the back of the building where Allison and Danny were waiting.

I sighed as I leaned against the wall lifting my shirt up a bit to see the purple bruises on my sides.

"Listen! I want you to take Danny home" Max spoke to Allison.

"Uh oh" Binx spoke.

We saw the sisters coming, before we ducked down, Max pulled me into him grabbing my sides a bit too hard for my liking and the bruises didn't help.

I winced making him let go of me immediately, his eyes showed confusion.

I turned to look as the Sanderson sisters left, I then glanced at Allison who was getting out, only to drop the oven making a huge noise, I winced slightly.

"I've got an idea"

The highschool, that's where we were.

I laughed as Max spoke into the microphone.
He set it down looking at me "I think it worked"

I nodded standing up "let's go then" I started walking out only for him to pull me back by my shirt as he leaned against the desk.

He turned me around to face him "where did he hurt you" his voice was low.

I sighed pulling my shirt up a bit to reveal the bruises, I could see how Max's jaw clenched a bit as he ran his cold fingers against my bruise gently.

"I'm fine really" I shrugged "it doesn't hurt unless you press on it obviously"

Max nodded slightly before he looked back up to my eyes. It felt like we had moved closer together our chests were touching.

And the air seemed to grow thicker, his eyes slowly trailed down to my lips.
He leaned closer, our lips brushed together and I felt his breath on mine.

We heard the door slam making us jump apart.
And then we heard the familiar screams of the witches

"We should go check" Max spoke, I nodded quickly running down.
Allison and Danny laughed in Victory as I glanced and saw the three witches inside.
It was burning up, until all we could see was flames.

Don't be a ghost reader !Vote and comment ! 🕸️ It'll mean a lot to me ! ♥️

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Don't be a ghost reader !
Vote and comment ! 🕸️ It'll mean a lot to me ! ♥️

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