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We spoke too soon

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We spoke too soon.

From the corner of my eye I saw Wini flying right by the car.
"Max watch out!"

Wini sped to the window letting out a loud cackle "pull over! Let me see your driver's license!" Her hands gripped Max's jacket.

Quickly I tried getting her hand off him, Max yelled while trying to concentrate on his driving
"Resisting arrest!" Wini yelled before I successfully took her hand off him and she went flying to the bushes.

"Holy crap" Allison laughed from behind, Danny laughing along in excitement. While I worriedly looked behind to see if she was still following us.

Max parked at the car in front of the cemetery, opening the door while Binx ran out "Hurry hurry!" He yelled running in.

I hurried out of the car, running inside the cemetery with Max behind me "go go go go go" Max yelled shutting the gate behind me.
I turned in a swift movement crashing into something making me fall back right onto Max.

"Shit" Max groaned holding me, his arms were protectively gripping my waist, I looked up to find Bill looking at us, before we heard the laugh of the three witches.

Max turned his head up watching them fly above us on their brooms. My insides shifted unpleasantly as I felt Bill grab me, Max noticed almost instantly turning to face me pulling me back onto him.

Bill took a hold of Max and I in his arms, I heard Binx yell at Allison and Danny as they ran away.

Max took a pocket knife out unfortunately Bill took it out of his hand.
"Billy!" Wini yelled in rage "kill them both if you must but I need that Danny girl!"

I watched as Bill carefully cut his mouth open, letting months fly out and coughing before he glared up at Wini

"Wench!" Billy cursed at her.
"You mop-riding Firefly from hell!"
He grinned before whispering to max "I've waited centuries to say that" A laugh escaped my lips watching Max scrunch up his face"say what you want just don't breathe on me"

Bill let both Max and I go while Wini still cursed him out, Max gripped my hand tightly continuing to run the way Allison and Danny had, Bill following behind us.

"Look there they are" I let go of his hand as I ran to them

"Max watch out!" Allison yelled going to hit Bill, Max got in the way putting his hands up in his defense "no no no, he's a good zombie"

Allison sighed in boredom while carefully setting the branch down.

"Hurry we don't have much time" Binx spoke running to the empty grave.
"You'll be safe in here Danny".

Max took of his jacket leaving him in blue sweater, he took out his bag before standing up and once again pulling me close to his side, as if I were to get lost.
I watched as Allison surrounded the grave with salt before shutting the lid and giving a smile.

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