SIX 🌪️

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We looked up to see the witch sisters flying above us

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We looked up to see the witch sisters flying above us.

Quickly Max grabbed Danny's and I's arm dragging us to hide beside him.
Binx sat up against the stone as Wini spoke
"It's just a bunch of Hocus pocus"

They laughed like maniacs before Wini's eyes locked onto mine like magnets.

"Oh my dear Adrianna is that you? Haven't seen you in what? 300 years" she laughed like it was the funniest thing ever before sending Mary and Sarah different ways.

Sarah came on the right of us leaning down on her broom
"Brave little virgin that lit the candle, I'll be thy friend" she said in a seductive voice leaning on her broom.

Rolling my eyes I quickly ran up to her "Take no for an answer" I grabbed a branch striking her hands.

"Ouch!" She yelled before flying back up.

"Book, come to momma" I heard Wini sing.
"The book Binx!" I yelled at him, he quickly ran and jumped on the book weighing it down.

"Thackery Binx you crazy feline" she spoke "still alive?"

"And waiting for you, both me and Adrianna" Binx yelled back at her.
Max gave me a confused look "what does he mea-"

"I don't know, let's forget it" I interfered in his sentence.

"Thou has waited in vain, you'll fail to save thy friends, just as thy failed to save thy sister!" Wini flew down on her broom

"Get the book!" I yelled at max who picked it up, we ran away quickly.
The witches were coming from everywhere.

We stayed in a close pile, Max not letting go of me and Danny.
"They can't set foot here right?" Max asked.

I gave a slight shrug "well...they can't"

Max gave me a 'you have to be kidding look'

The witches were now right on top of us as Wini yelled out a spell. And the ground started shaking.

"Oh fuck!" Max gripped onto Danny's arm, and mine as we fell to the ground. Me landing right on Max's lap as everything stopped.

"Oh no" I sighed at the coffin flew open revealing Billy.
He shook his head before turning to look at us.

He gave me a confused look as everyone else yelled. I stood up muttering a quick 'sorry ' to Billy and running with Max.

"In here!" Binx yelled as Danny and Allison fell down the hole.
"Come on max!" I yelled impatiently.

He glanced at me before turning to look at Billy who was running after us, Max grabbed a branch letting billy walk closer.

"Oh max you wouldn't dare" I muttered "Max no!"

It was too late as he let the branch go making it smack and knock Billy's head off "Yes!" Max yelled in Victory before grabbing my arm and going down the hole

"What is this place Binx?" Max asked taking out his lighter.
"It's the old sewer" I spoke before Binx "it connects up to the street".

"Relax I hunted mice down here for years" Binx said as if it was nothing.

"This way" Binx ran, us following behind him.
Max took hold of my hand gripping it tightly.

We followed Binx down and further into the sewer, Soon coming upon an entrance of the road
We climbed up the stairs opening it Binx stepped out.

"Max a bus shut it!" I yelled.
Max quickly glanced at the bus "Binx watch out!" He shut it and jumped down. we heard the wheels run over our position and then dissapear.

"Binx!" Danny yelled.

Quickly we got out, I sighed as I saw Binx laying 'dead' on the floor.
"Oh no" Max groaned as Danny started crying

"Max he's fine" I spoke only for max to quickly turn and look at me "how? He's fucking dead Adrianna! Look at reality for once"

Wow ouch.

Allison soon cut in "max this isn't your fault"

"Max look!" Allison spoke making Max turn around, his eyes widened at the sight of Binx coming back to life.

"Ugh I hate it when that happens" Binx shook his head "I told you guys I can't die, Danny are you alright?"

Danny nodded "yeah" she smiled

"Alright then let's go" he ran making us catch up to him.

"Officer!" Danny yelled to a guy on a motorcycle "we need your help"

I sighed "guys that's not-"

"Tell him Max" Allison cut me off as Danny stepped in making me fall further back into the group.

I sighed as I leaned against the wall, Binx by my side
I smiled a bit before running my hands through his soft fur.

Binx purred and looked up at me "I want to apologize"

I shook my head "I should be the one apologizing right now. I did a lot of messed up things"

"And take that cat with you!" Max, Allison and Danny walked off making me and Binx glance at each other before following them

"What happened?" I caught up to max, he shook his head.

"He got made fun of because he's a virgin" Danny butt in.

I rolled my eyes "that's nothing bad, I'm a virgin, I bet Allison is too, but nowadays to be cool you have to have sex even if it means nothing"

Max glanced at me "you're a virgin?"

"Shut up dork" I laughed a bit before continuing to walk

"Shut up dork" I laughed a bit before continuing to walk

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