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"Max!" giggles escaped my lips as Max pulled me back down onto the bed, his hands gripping my waist.
"Say it!" he yelled through fits of laughter laying me on the bed before getting on top of me and tickling my sides.

"No!" i squirmed under his attack, my laughing never calming down as he continued "Say it!" he laughed out again

"Fine!" i smacked his shoulders, feeling like if i didn't stop laughing i would die "I love you Max Dennison! You're the only cute guy in the world!" I managed to gasp out through fits of laughter.

I watched him smirk before he stopped tickling me "there we go" his arms held him up above "that wasn't so hard see?"

I rolled my eyes smacking his chest "sure jerkface"
A chuckle escaped his lips before he gently leaned down and captured both of our lips together. The kiss was sweet, slowly he pulled back, the feeling of his soft lips still lingering on mine.

"I love you"

I smiled watching those words leave his mouth "i love you more"

I watched as a cute dorky smile curved on his lips before he kissed my nose, I scrunched up my face laughing a bit before pulling him down on me.
His body layed on top of mine, his head lifted up capturing our lips together once again.

They molded perfectly together, I loved the warm and soft feeling of his lips on mine. His hand slowly caressed my cheek as the sweet kiss kept going.


Max and I pulled away to see Danny laughing at his door. Max rolled his eyes before getting off me and sitting up on the bed.
"Dork" a laugh escaped his lips before his blue eyes glanced at me "more kisses?"

I laughed as he pouted before shaking my head and looking at Danny who pretended to throw up. Her diva face came back as the little black Kitten Bean came in, his tail held high.
"Boyfriends suck" Danny said matter of factly while picking uo Bean "I will stick with cats forever, keep making out now" her dramatically turned around before walking out and shutting the door.

A loud laugh burst from my lips as I sat up by Max "aw I love her" I sighed.
Max took hold of my hand "but you love me more"

"Maybe, maybe not" i winked at him, I watched him glare playfully at the door where Danny had left before he took hold of my waist throwing me down on the bed on top of him.

His soft eyes met mine before he gently kissed my forehead, arms still wrapped around my waist securely.
My head rested on his chest while he ran a hand through my hair. "Max?" i asked

He hummed in response.
"You're still a virgin"
He stopped caressing my hair as i lifted my head up to see him playfully glare at him "shut it" he breathed out before gently holding my chin and planting a firm kiss on my lips.

"Hocus Pocus" I spoke "I wish for another kiss"
Max grinned before kissing my lips softly again
"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus"


 What an adventure it was writing this book !I cannot wait to see what other adventures we'll go on in the future !

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What an adventure it was writing this book !
I cannot wait to see what other adventures we'll go on in the future !

Love is just a bunch of Hocus Pocus

Bunch of Hocus Pocus °MAX DENNISON°Where stories live. Discover now