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After Max and Danny finally apologized, we kept walking around the neighborhood

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After Max and Danny finally apologized, we kept walking around the neighborhood.

"Damn" I gasped

"Damn indeed" Max whispered.

I'm pretty sure the three of us looked like idiots as we stared up at the mansion in front of us.

"Ugh rich people" Dani shrugged
"Probably give us cyder and make us Bob for apples"

We all glanced at each other before giving a small nod and walking in

"Trick or treat!" Max and Dani spoke, Dannys eyes widened as she ran towards the huge pot of candy
"Jackpot!" She looked at me "look at all this candy!"

I laughed and stuck my hands in the candy as if it were gold.

"Max Dennison"

We all looked up to see Allison, and of course Max took his hat off,
"Allison" he gulped.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a handful of candy stuffing it in Danny's bag.
Danny smirked "ohhh Allison"
She laughed and opened a witch lollipop.

"I thought you weren't into Halloween" she walked down, right in front of Max.

"Oh I'm just taking my little sister around" He smiled nervously.
"My parents made him" Dani spoke matter a factly, receiving an elbow to the stomach by Max.

"Would you like some cyder?" Allison looked at us.


I didn't bother responding seeing she already walked away, she came back and gave Max his cup.

I looked around the house, it was very nice, old fashioned too like the one I live in or lived in.

I zoned out a bit while Max and Allison kept talking, I heard Danny day something about 'Yabbos' making me roll my eyes internally.

"Well why don't we go to the old Sanderson home" Max asked.
My head instantly snapped at his direction.

Allison seemed to think about it, while Danny turned to me with the same look of discomfort in her face.

"Alright let me go change" Allison ran up to her room leaving us three behind.

"Max I've heard weird things about the house!" Danny whined.
I nodded along "we can't go Max, it's dangerous and your parents wouldn't be too happy"

Max glanced at me "come on Adri, it's my only chance to impress Allison"

"There's more to life than impressing a girl and risking your life" I shrugged giving him a warning look
He rolled his eyes at me and squatted down by Danny "I'll do anything Danny"

Danny seemed to think for a minute before a smirk made way onto her lips "next year we go as Wendy and Peter Pan...with Tights or no deal"

Max looked up the stairs to the direction Allison left before agreeing "fine fine fine"

"We're fucked" I groaned.
Allison kept telling stories about the old house.

She walked in front of us while I was at the very back.

Soon we came to the old gate of the house. I sighed shaking my head slowly as they walked in.

"Yuck" Danny cringed looking around. I nodded "very yucky"

We trailed behind max up the old wooden stairs.
He creaked the door open, Danny coughing in the process "I can't see a thing"

I quickly went past them and grabbed a lighter that max quickly took out of my hand "found a lighter"

"Great job Max" I rolled my eyes

"Thanks" he lit up a candle making everything visible.

"Woah" Danny gasped stepping further in.
I rubbed my nose from all the dust as I looked around.

And then I saw the book.

I quickly walked over to it, the rest following behind me.

"The old book" Allison started "it was given to her by the devil himself, made of pure skin"

"I get the picture" Danny rolled her eyes making me snort.

"The black flame candle" Max walked over to it making me sigh "Max be careful with what you're doing"

"When am I not Adri" he chuckled before looking at the candle.

"Let's light this sucker and meet the old broads"

My eyes widened slightly "Max that's enough let's leave"

"No thanks" Allison laughed agreeing with me "let's leave"

Just then a cat seemed to appear rapidly as he jumped right on max.
"Max!" I yelled backing away "stop fooling around and let's go"

"Stupid cat!" Max groaned throwing the black cat off him before standing up again.
"Let's get out of here Allison" Danny grabbed her hand walking to the door, me following behind them "let's go Max"

"What? It's just a bunch of Hocus pocus "

"Max I'm not kidding this time!" Danny glared at him.
Max rolled his eyes and I watched in slow motion as he lit the black Candle.

"Max no!"

Bunch of Hocus Pocus °MAX DENNISON°Where stories live. Discover now