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where's Binx?"

"Binx!" I called out, Danny ran in front of Max and I trying to find him.

"Binx" I heard Danny cry out, she ran to the now dead cat. My hands shot up to my mouth. I ran besides her. Max following close behind

"He's gone Danny" Allison spoke softly while Danny cried holding Binx. My eyes watered a bit as I felt Max kneel next to me. His arms holding me safely.
"Come on Binx wake up!" Danny cried "like last time" the girl rested her head on him, letting tears pool out of her eyes.

Max sighed resting his head on my shoulder, his hands rubbing my arms gently.
Allison rubbed Danny's hair softly, giving a sad glance to Max and I.
"Binx" I let out a shaky sigh as reality had finally start setting on me, this was all real.

"Danny. Adri" I heard a familiar voice say.
Out heads snapped in the direction of the voice. My mouth opened in a gasp. it was Binx. He was human again.

"Don't be sad for me" he chuckled "the witches are the dead, our souls are finally free" his arms opened up as I ran to him, my arms wrapping him in a warm hug while he hugged me back "we're free Adri, after years and years, we did it" I pulled back letting the tears escape, his thumb wiped them away as Danny ran to us also wrapping him in a hug.
"You saved me Danny" Binx smiled "thank you"

Max now stood next to me, his arms securely wrapped around my waist as he gently kissed my cheek.
"Hey Max" Binx spoke.
Max looked up at him
"Thanks for lighting the candle"

A grin made it's way to Max's face, his fingers played with my hand softly.

"Thackery! Thackery Binx" we heard a young voice call. Out of the corner of a tree I saw Emily run out with a smile
"It's Emily" Binx smiled.
"Emily" my voice spoke, the young girl looked towards me "Adrianna!" A bright smile illuminated her face as I ran to hug her "oh my gosh it's been a while huh?" I laughed pulling her close. Her giggles echoed "yes it really has" she pulled away looking up at me "now we can all go home"

My eyes looked up towards Max "home" I whispered. Binx stood up "I shall always be with you" he whispered to Danny before planting a sweet kiss to her cheek. Through the sobs Danny managed to give out a small smile.
Binx walked towards Emily and I before grabbing our hands.

"Adri!" I looked up making eye contact with Max. He looked worried, he stepped forward "please don't leave" his voice quivered "we need you" he walked closer "I need you"

Binx gave her hand a light squeeze "Go"
Emily tugged on my hand lightly "you deserve to be happy"
I glanced at the two before pulling them both into a hug "we'll forever be together" Binx smiled
"We're connected" Emily continued.
I pulled back slowly before placing a light kiss on Emily's cheek "I'll miss you"
Standing up I faced Binx, he cracked a smile before kissing my cheek "Be happy".

He turned grabbing Emily's hand before walking away. My eyes burned with tears before i felt arms wrap themselves around me. A soft careful kiss placed on my temple as I watched the two people i've been wanting to save for years, finally together and happy.

"Wow" I heard max gasp from behind me. Slowly i turned to face him "We did it"
A smile crawled onto his lips before making soft contact with mine.

Max and I pulled away to find Allison and Danny fake gagging at us.
Max rolled his eyes "lets go home"
I nodded before looking to where the sun was rising "home"

Max rolled his eyes "lets go home"I nodded before looking to where the sun was rising "home"

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