Break out

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"The Dark Stranger"
© VeGirl 2014

As the days passed, Aoleon and I spend more and more time together; practicing our shielding ability and planning our exit together.

Slowly I started to feel like myself again.

The vibrant energy that had been a strong part of me earlier had slowly but efficiently been snarled in this emotionless environment. The cocky attitude that was my attire had merged into the high and mighty princess that Vincent once spoke about.


Even the paralyzing pain over losing him has slowly subsided as Aoleon and my plan to get back proceeds. He had searched for me for over two hundred years, and if or when I manage to get back I will let him find me.

I strain my shoulders back and hold my head high where I walk the hallways. I don't dare to get close to the common parts often, but when I do; there is no music. People there don't trust me like they did when I walked in there in Vincent's company.

On the rare occasion that my eyes should meet anyone else's, I nod respectfully with that slight angelic smile that would make Michelangelo fall at my feet, begging me to be portrayed. Mona Lisa would scowl.

When the weight of the world is too much to bear, I open up my own personal google-earth and zoom into The Cave, hoping to find somebody I know. If I close my eyes I can crank up the volume and pretend I am somewhere else; somewhere where good music isn't illegal.

Some of the times I tune into the real life tv, I find Eddie starring but that is usually when I change channel. I don't want to see how sad she is; that only add to my own despair. Anger is usually my fuel and a good beat can make me break a sweat in a short time.

Avicii is my brand of heroine these days and with my head forward, I hide in the confinement of my hair that has paled into a dark blond and dance as if I'd rather needed a straitjacket. I dance while tears stream down my cheeks and until I pass out in my bed.

Out in the open, I have to keep up the appearance and so does my new friend. I barely acknowledge her if our paths cross in any of the official areas. In my room there is a whole different game, but getting her there calls for some really tricky stuff.

Just calling her doesn't work if we're supposed to hide, but with our mental shield, we have been able to develop a secure channel for emergency calls. Just to be on the safe side, we have also decided to decode it.

'Oh such a beauty!' Is the absolute emergency and that has not been used yet.

We are cooped up in my room whispering about a world where trees sway and where moss smells deep and musky.

"Why do you want out?"

"I've got somebody on the other side," she says cryptically but soon admits with an eyeroll. "Okay I'm guardian to a guy who I want to meet. He is so incredibly sweet, but he has had some trouble with girls lately."

"A crush?"

Aoleon sighs and her eyes lost the sparkles. "I guess it would never work, but he fills me with desire and want."

I give her a weak smile, thinking of Vincent. "I know what you mean."

We sit in silence for a while; both of us deep in fantasies about what life could have been when an idea hit me. Can you see my private never-never land from up here? I scurry over to my secret surveillance panel and open up to the world. Aoleon show no surprise, so this is wellknown for her, but she sure is curious as I zoom in on Arizona and then further on Phoenix.

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