Safely back again

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"The Dark Stranger" © VeGirl 2014

I snuggle close to Vincent as Damian drive us back north again. The car isn't really made for three people in the front seat, but the close proximity to Vincent suits me perfectly. Intermediately he lifts an arm to check on his wounds that are healing impressively.

"Angel huh?" Damian snickers while shaking his head amusing. "I would never have thought..."

"Yeah it's not something I like to shout from the rooftops." Vincent grins wayward. "Not when you have been on the run for a good twohundred years..."

Damian snickers. "Join the club..."

"You're two hundred years as well?" I ask curiously.

Damian laughs out loud. "Hunted I mean." He keeps snickering while glancing at me, knowing that I am waiting for an answer. "I'm twentythree."

"'ve been that for...?" I am forced to pull the classic question, which only adds to Damian's humour.

"You're a nosey one," he laughs.

I feel Vincent's hand on my leg squeeze, probably for me to back off, but all I do is glare at Damian. "So... it's a classified secret then?" I probe.

"No," he snickers. "I've been a vampire for fifteen years."

I raise my brows. "Fifteen? Is that it?" I am stunned while contemplating the anticlimax

"I never thought I'd been dismissed because I was too young." He is bubbling with laughter and I can't help but to join in. This is not the relationship Vincent is used to have with him, that is quite obvious by the tension in his muscles. "You're older than that?" Damian raise his brows inquisitive.

"Hrmm..." Is my elaborate answer which even makes Vincent snicker.


"Yes." I snarl.

Damian holds his hands up in surrender a brief moment. "I get it, it's a sensitive subject." He keeps snickering teasingly, making me purse my lips while turning my attention to the pitch black passing scenery. The moon is the most prominent source of light and albeit my sour mood, I am breathing deep, feeling peaceful.

I have Vincent back and all is well in the world.

"So, you've never figured it out?" Vincent is talking to Damian who narrows his eyes at his friend. "The angel thing?"

"No, you do not smell like she does..." he flicks his head, meaning me.

Vincent frowns at the implication. "Cloaking spell..."

Damian raises his brows while nodding contemplative. "Really...?" He keeps nodding thoughtful. "Would that work for me?"

"For the predator?"

He sighs. "I have hunters on my track."

"Hunters?" I am involved in the conversation again. "First of all; there are people hunting vampires? I thought you said you were supposed to be a myth. How many are you?"

"Classified information..." he says through clenched teeth. "You know... the secret kind..."

I glare at him. "Yeah and angels walking the earth are hardly front page news," I throw in sarcastically. "We're all mystical people."

With one raised brow he slowly turns to pin me with a suspicious look before he slowly turns back to focus on the road ahead. I guess we all have trust issues. We ride in silence for a while; all of us deep in contemplation until my need for answers overwhelm me. "What happened to you? You promised not to let me go..." My euphoria over having him back changes into desperation and worry. "I needed you!"

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