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"The Dark Stranger"
© VeGirl 2014

"You're awfully quiet..." Eddie says on the ride home.

I am snapped out of my brooding. "Excuse me?" I turn to look at my friend who is driving us home. "I was a little... preoccupied."

"Mhmm..." she purse her lips and gives me one of those pointed look as if that would explain everything. "I said; you're awfully quiet..."


Silence engulfs the car again and I try to ignore the worried glances she cast my way. Oh God, It is just as it was before my little holiday. I turn and look out the side window.

"Are you okay?"

I turn back and notice the worried look she is sporting. It looks honest enough.

"Was it the guy out on the patio?" she ask. "What did he do to you?"

Oh... she's talking about Damian...

"You mean hot guy?" I feign up the required attitude. "No he was all talk," I sigh and turn once again to look out the window while I wonder how she would react if I told her about vampires. "I can introduce him if you want, he has the look." I smile and realize this is actually a good way to distract me. "But what would Kevin say?" Now I am the one giving her the pointy look.

We both start to snicker. "I was worried that I lost you there again girl." Eddie is using her big-sister tone of voice and the acquired stern look that comes with that.

"Oh... you're not getting rid of me that easy..." I turn away again, pleased with my ability to calm her down so I can retreat to my own sanctuary.

Who is the mystery guy?

Could he be the Vincent everybody is talking about? Eddie and the others from work knew about him, and Damian was relieved that he was gone. He seems to be handy to have around and with that look I will not object.

"It's been a long day," Eddie says and somehow I manage to change my expression on the little time it takes for me to turn my face towards her.

"Yeah, I'm a little out of it, being cut loose for a week and a half," I give her a wry smile.

She snickers. "A lot of partying back home?" She arches one inquisitive eyebrow in company with a playful ragging making us both laugh.

"And headache..." I shrug my brows and roll my eyes in a feign resignation. "I met Damian there, and he is the kind of guy you should really stay away from; you and me both."


"No, he's a jerk!"

"Yeah, well a fine jerk."

"And he knows it too."

"Yeah he looks like that kind of guy," Eddie laughs. "But I wouldn't object to a little slap and tickle with that one..." her laugh change into a glib grin.

"Step down, girl. You don't want him." I can hear the sharp tone in my own voice and I cannot emphasize this enough. "I'm telling you..." With a heavy sigh, I resume my thorough investigation of the houses we pass on our way to my house.

"So... you tapped that?" her tone is accusatory.

"No!" I claim fervent. "I didn't even kiss the guy until he just throwed himself at me." By now my rambling is unleashed and simply pour out of me. "He just wrrr... and I just whoa..." I start to wave my hands about, grimaces and the whole kit. "Who was I to know? I mean it's not like they are real or anything, and now he start to follow me around like some freaking stalker."

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