Hi, my name is Katie and I am 12 years old .I live with my mom, dad, and baby brother. My baby brother is only 1 month old. Yesterday my friend Kimberly came over to my house. She is one of my very close friends. Also yesterday was our last day of school every one was psyched and so were we. Kimberly and I love the end of the school year because every year we plan a big party and it is always in June. But we are having issues with planning. Throughout the whole year my and her parents have been separating and we are trying to keep our parents together. But then again if her parents and my parents separated then we had the chance of our parents getting together. We have wanted that for years so that we could be sisters. But when our parents fight it gets physical. So in return it’s not pretty. My little brother cries all night then finally my mom realizes that he’s crying. She stops arguing with my dad long enough to take care of him and then they start right back up again. So then Kyle starts crying again and this happens every night and I am tired of it. When my parents get physical, it gets really ugly and I step in and end up getting hit by both of my parents.
They go to hit each other and end up hitting me. So when my dad starts getting violent he starts slapping my mom and calls her a worthless stuck up snot nose brat. Then I think my dad is the worst person in the world. As I continue to watch my dad beat my mom I see blood running down her face I am tempted to call the police but as I reach for the phone to call my dad says that if I touch the phone he will kill me. I’m so torn between my mom and my dad but to be honest I think I will choose my mom. (Yeah go mom whoa) So now I’m stuck to choose between my life or letting my mother lay there and waste her life away getting beat to death by my father. I mean as I sit here and contemplate it I have no choice to watch her get beat because she is stuck on the floor. I honestly fear him but I don’t let anybody know that. I don’t even let my mom know. So when I turn back around I see my mom get up and defend herself and so that makes me feel like now she’s the bigger person and not my dad. To be honest with you I wish my dad would burn in a place where no one wants to go.
People just don’t understand. I know that right now my life doesn’t seem very messed up but honestly it is. So many people sit here all day and complain about their problems when I’m trying to tell you how I feel especially when I need some friends comfort. But I guess they don't care. I wish they did but they don't. So all I can do is sit around and wait on someone to come around and learn how to treat me right. Also they have to except me for me and not pretend they love me for me because I hate people like that. But I know that no matter what I will always have Kimberly there to help me with whatever my problem is. As my mom told me once when she made sense keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart. No matter how big the dream it will eventually come true.
So like I said my mom starts throwing things and she starts throwing plates, cups, forks, knives ( butter knives I wish they were steak knives.) So my mom takes and finally hits my dad. I’m so happy and my mom feels better too. So that way she finally doesn’t have to deal with all of his crap. Now my mom and I are gathering our stuff but Kyle is still sleeping and right now my mom is packing up Kyle’s things. So that my mom and I have more time to get our stuff together so that as soon we are done we can load up the car. Tomorrow my mom is filing divorce papers so that my mom and the person I used to know as a father don’t have to be together anymore. Until he started to hurt my mother and I wanted to always know him as dad daddy or even father. So today my mom faced my dad in court and I bet you want to know who won me and Kyle over of course my mom did and my dad started yelling out in the court room you are going to ruin Katie’s and Kyle’s lives they are going to be nothing without their father you are the worst mother on this whole planet. Well I did disagree until now.