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AN :  Like, if you a child this probably the
          wrong book for you.... 🤟🏼🤘🏼💦

      MY VAGINA WAS ITCHING TERRIBLY. I think I've caught an STD or something of that kind, because Oh God, I could barely keep my hand on my lap as all I wanted to do was reach out, reach out far, very far, inside my coochie and scratch that itch away from there.

    Breathing is hard, sitting is hard, and when all the others are having a conversation down in Jacobs living room I can barely focus on anything else than this goddamned itch.

     Oh no.

     Jacobs hand just landed on my lap... I've almost shoved it down my vagina. Almost. Barely did I withhold.

     "Are you okay, babe?" He asks, his big eyes find themselves gawking at me like they wanted to see me undress right in front of him. I mean, I did feel bad for him. He was still a virgin. And last time I've seen it, his dick wasn't very... big.

     "Emma?" He says.

     "Oh, I'm sorry. What?"

     "If you're okay, I asked."

     "Well, I am... but are you?" I return.

His face falls into a surprised expression, his bushy eyebrows meeting in the middle. Why does he look like a caveman at times like this?

Well, I guess I'd still do him if desperate enough.

"I mean, you seemed pretty ashamed after we've showered together, so are you okay?"

There's a loud shriek coming from across the table and then we see Enoch shouting his laughter with his face widening. "HA, JACOB HAS A SMALL DING-A-LING?! I knew it, almost feel sorry for you!"

Bronwyn' meaty arm comes swinging from the corner and with a hefty smack Enoch falls unconsciously to the floor. Jacob sinks far down his chair, his nose retreating to the collar of his hoodie.

"Jacob!" I scold him, jumping from my chair and it tilts then falls backwards. "See what your small dong did?! Ugh, I can't believe you!"

"You've killed Enoch, Jacob!" Hugh cries from the end of the table, his eyes brimming with tears. "You pig!"

Bronwyn swings another time and lands a sucker-punch in Jacobs stomach. He groans, crouching into himself. "But how is that my fault?!" He wails.

The itch inside my coochie was suddenly forgotten. All I could think about was blaming Jacob for things he didn't do and thankfully my friends had my back.

"Well it's gotta be someone's and in this case it's yours."

"But Bronwyn slapped him?!"

"You made her do it." I shrug and strike out of the room just in time as the entrance door opens and a well-groomed man steps inside. taking a billion butterflies flying after him and flying my direction, then penetrate my nose and travel down to my stomach.

This is the love of my life.

My vagina starts throbbing against my tanga which I've snatched from Jacob's mothers dresser. Abe was just so much hotter than Jacob ( the boy i used to help keeping my horniness under control ) But now Abe was back to fill my lusty lady bits with.

    "Hey," Abe says with a warm tone in his voice.

     "Hey," I say back, meaning, fuck me so hard that you accidentally slip your dick into the wrong hole while thrusting.

But then something happens that makes my vagina dry as the Chinese desert. I watch him heading over to Miss Peregrine, totally ignoring me probably because of dumb Jacob whom he feels bad for, and I suddenly have the strong urge to roll around on this carpet like a cat in heat till he tears my cute blue dress from me and motorboats my boobs right in front of the others.

     "Are you okay?" Jacob asks, frowning deeply in earnest concern. He's come from the table and is now fidgeting with his hands, unsure if he's allowed to touch my smooth skin which I've groomed over the years for Abe to touch in pleasure once he's back.

    "Oh, yeah." I say, smiling. "Now I am."

    "I don't... understand." He says, whimsically.

     My leg lurches up and knees him right between his legs and I can feel the softness of his balls colliding with my hard bone before my foot is back on the ground and I'm striding away with purpose, hearing Jacob wailing to the gods in the background.

     Today, Me Emma Bloom, was gonna ride Abe's long member.

     There was no time for Jacobs kiddie games to be wasted. He's so pathetic, ugh!

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