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Why am I so easy? I think as I stare away into the cake in front of me. It's a strawberry cake. So gross. Why did people think it's a good idea to mix healthy things with unhealthy? Especially when the health part feels chemical as fuck.

This reminds me of the time Abe used a strawberry to get me off. Sweet memories. Literally. Made him eat it, too, afterwards.

"What are you dwelling here for?" Enoch says as he steps foot into the kitchen, his hair all ruffled up from the sleep. I really wanna fuck him but he said I smell so I feel self conscious.

"I'm just thinking about something..." I sigh, leaning with my cheek against my palm.

"About how many guys you've shagged?" He mocks me.

"Enoch! That's so ru—yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking about." I say sullenly then lean back against the chair, folding my arms under my boobs in hope they look better propped up like this.

His eyes flicker downwards but then hold a steady eye contact with me. Maybe he really is gay. Which wasn't bad, it's kinda hot when two guys do it together. If he went to screw Jacob I'd probably creep up behind the door and watch.

"You're such a slut, like, Im not even saying it as an insult, which I am too. But you're like literally a slut." He says. "You go around a lot."

"I guess so. There's only you, Millard and Olive to cross off my list."

He frowns deeply. "You fucked Miss peregrine?!"

I look a bit uneasy. Now that he's said it it's kinda weird to think that I did indeed fuck her. "I mean..." I say slowly, tensing up a little. "Yeah....?"

"Cool." He says with the smirk of a pervert playing on his lips and this rather positive reaction surprises me so much that my pussy quivers. I want his mouth right in between my thighs doing nasty things.

"You're red as a tomato." He points out and I can't contain myself any longer as I slam my hand right into the fluffy cake and grab a handful before I shove some of it down my cleavage and begin smearing my boobs with the frosting, rubbing it in circles while biting my lip. And it goes so smoothly over my skin that I'm wet down under in a second.

"Fuck." Enoch exclaims before he bursts into a laughter. Not the reaction I wanted but it's not over yet. I bring my hand up to my mouth and suck some of the frosting from the finger, moaning.

"Holy shit." Enoch says, breathily now, dragging his tongue across his bottom lip and nodding slowly in approval. "Get it on, girl!" He encourages me. It's like he's watching a stripper and I'm the stripper.

I take some more of the cake into my hand then go around then the table and put one of my knee up Enoch's chair between his legs. His facial expression is full of excitement, staring at my mouth where I'm licking the frosting off then at my breasts as I begin feeding him.

"Will you be a good boy and eat it from my lips?" I ask, batting my eyelashes seductively.

     "Sure," He picks up a bit of frosting onto his finger and smears it over my lips with me following his movements, going right when his finger goes right and left when it goes left. "Allow me," He says before pinching my chin with his thumb and pointer finger, drawing me to him until his wet tongue drags over my lips, tickling along them and making me gasp.

     "From the other lips too...?" I shudder, closing my eyes as the angels seize me by my armpits and leaver me into the sky among the pink clouds.

     "Ew, no." He blurts out, shattering the imagine that just filled the dark behind my closed lids and my eyes jerk up in a hot second. I'm taking a step back from him. "I'm not licking strawberry cake from a fish." He adds.

      "Asshole!" I snap, winding around and striding away before my cheeks could fill red from the embarrassment.

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