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       I am leaking down my vagina fluids at the floorboards like a fucking waterfall. I haven't jerked off in like two weeks because Jacob insisted on cuddling with me every damn night so thanks to him there just was no time. No privacy.

      And it wasn't that I was ashamed to just whip my vagina out and rub my clit in front of an audience, no, it's just seeing Jacob turns me off like looking at a fucking toddler turns you off. Jacob was, a fucking toddler. At least he was as stupid as one and a toddler at least has the potential to grow up and become a genius.

      Jacob didn't.

     So after downing an entire bottle of water to make up for the loss of fluids I jump the door where Abe had left off and see him sitting cross legged on a chair next to Miss Peregrine, talking.

     When she notices me there's an eye roll coming from her face, saying so much as, ugh can't your all-swallowing female tubes be empty for one damn second? I'm gonna send you off to therapy very soon, lady.

     But there's also a certain kind of daring in her expression as if she wanted to watch me do it.

     So I climb on Abes lap and loop my arms around his neck, staring at him with the intensity he always got very hard very quick from.

     "Got rubber?" I purr.

     "No... and I don't remember you being that forthcoming. Where is the sweet reserved girl I've fallen in love with?" He looks at me as if searching for said girl but I whip my hair around and rub myself solemnly against his crotch, hoping his cock ain't as saggy as his slight double chin.

Now that I mentioned it, I want to bite the fat there and suck the soul outta his mature skin. Damn. His pants must be wet af now. I look down. They are!

"Emma bloom." Miss Peregrine comes from the side. Why that bitch still there anyways? "I have a very important issues with this gentleman to discuss... Would you mind delay those mating issues to later in a more appropriate setting?"

"Shut up, bird momma." I hiss, before my hand worms it's way down Abe's pants just to realise that my assumption about his cock was right. He is saggy! Oh well, I'm honey af and there's a cock right underneath me, what else am I supposed to do than screw this ol' lad?


I strip naked sexily in front of them both and Miss Peregrine seems impressed, she even comes over and cups her hand around my boobs. I moan, then rip her shirt off and lick her ni🅱️🅱️les as a polite gesture of saying thank you for the feels, fam.

"I'm a thirty year ol' virgin. Be gentle." She says. Staring at me with such intensity that I just have to stop for a moment and finger the shit out of her clit and fist her before I go back to Abe.

But he ain't there anymore!!!!

Shite fam

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