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    I've been crying relentlessly for the past six hours now. There was just not a single hoe in this shithole that would fuck me.

      Enoch said I smell too fishy so I called him gay.

      Bronwyn is a big dyke so I asked her to scissor me but she said she was too rough sometimes ( which I was actually desperate for ) but she wouldn't let herself get talked into it no matter how much of my skin I exposed to seduce her into my vagina.

     Olive screamed for help when I tried to force myself onto her so Miss Peregrine came along to punish me by bending me over her lap and spanking me.

     Millard I couldn't risk fucking cuz he's invisible so I don't know if he's ugly and I don't mess with the uglies. So no no. I did end up giving him a casual hand job tho. Was kinda nice feeling a decent dick again after all those days. Sometimes I wish I had my own dick so I could fuck myself but whatever, guess the DEUTSCH WURRST in Jacob's fridge are good for something.

     And lastly, I couldn't find Abe anywhere! I even started considering that he hasn't been there to begin with and it was all just my imagination.

     "I mean..." Jacob ventures quietly next to me, his arm draped over my shoulders. "I could sleep with you if you want...." There's a hopeful shimmer in his eyes and he licks his lips as if he wanted to eat up and digest me like a good cheesecake.

    I think I'm just gonna be kinky then.

    "Fine." I say.

     "Really?!" He says, eyes widening with surprise then he's trembling from excitement.

      "Yeah... but you gotta finger me a ton cuz your dick's a bean." I shrug then lazily remove my shirt from me and let my boobs dangle in the air. His hands are cupping them in no time, staring fixatedly  at them as if he's seen boobs for the first time in his short life. Yeah, this was definitely gonna be a fun ride. :/

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