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      If I can't have Abe... I don't want ANYBODY. I think as Jacob inserts himself into me. I give him a funny look, feeling a little uncomfortable laying so naked underneath him on his bed.

      Like, I'm hundred years old and he's a little kid why am I fucking dating a little kid? Better question, why the fuck am I dating my ex boyfriends grandchild, it's kinda disturbing now that I think about it. And he's inside me rn so double ew.

      "Um, Jake pop." I say. "You can put your dick in me now. I think I'm wet enough from the foreplay with your fingers."

     His expression falls and he gives me a sad look. It's quite heart breaking. It's almost like you've told a little child Santa wasn't real but Satan is.

     "That is my dick."

     "Oh." I say awkwardly, faking a moan to get rid of this weird new guilt. Actually that kinda turns me on, the guilt feeling, so the second time I moan for real. "Yeahhhhh Jake pop. Your my daddy." I moan. And cringe. But the cringe turns me on more so I precum on Jacobs dick and slam my hips into him which causes him to lose balance and fall off me.

     "You're a wild kitty cat." He husks and the way he says that is so cringy that I moan while squeezing my soft boobs.
     And then something disastrous happens. A fountain of white phlegm squirts out of Jacobs tip, landing right across my pussy. I watch with horror and feel with horror as it enters me.

     "Jacob!" I holler. "Your dumb ass probably got me pregnant!"

    "I'm sorry!" He cries, holding his face, that is layered in a worried expression,  with both hands.

    And awkward moment of silence follows in which I look at him, then look down on me. Then think; fuck it, and massage myself with his cum, which makes him hard again but since he fucked up I decide I'm gonna punish him by jerking off in front of him with him not being able to touch me.

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