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Apart from the situation that I was in, I found it hard not to smile at the fact that I had been rescued by some strage, (yet, not that bad to look at) young adult, called Dan Erendragon. Sure, the last name is a bit perculiar, but meh.

I had so much to ask him, but I knew that that would have to wait, for we still weren't sure whether we were safe or not.

I quickly threw a glance behind me, to see that by the clearing of the woods, Aiden had managed to fall into a ditch himself (probably following my scent into the ditch), and was scrambling to get out, but failing miserably. To this, I let out a relieved sigh. Dan must've heard this, because he parted his lips to speak. "I know you're bursting to ask questions, but I promise you that they will all be answered when we arrive at the palace." In responce to this my eyes widened in amazement at the word palace.

Maybe it was just a casual word for 'house' in this land, but, judging by all of the Disney movies that I have watched in my life, that has never been the case, so I'll just stick with my Disney knowledge.

My thoughts drifted back to why I was kidnapped in the first place, I mean - Sure, Aidan seemed kind enough... Until he turned into a man eating killer beast. But what was he meaning when he said you are not on Earth anymore? Sure, judging by all the happenings it was clear that none of that could've happening on Earth, so how exactlly could he have gotten me here in the first place? I was only unconsious for a few hours, he wouldn't be able to send me into space and land me on an unknown planet in that time. When my mind ventured back to when I got kidnapped, I heard more than one voice. Which means that there were more than one culprits of my kidnapping. 

But even with all of these thoughts in my head, there was one that was burning in my head the most. Why - Why would they even bother to kidnap me, i'm just, well, I'm just Ember. 

As I was thinking this, I hadn't noticed that we had been galloping for a fair 15 minutes, until now, and the beautiful stallion had begun to start heaving with effort. I was about to mention this to Dan, before I noticed that we were fastly approaching an area which had been surrounded with a moat of water, and just where the ground dropped for the water, there was an enormous fence, that towered a good  30 metres above the ground.  As we reached the gates, Dan slowed the stallion to a trot, and I held his waist even tighter, afraid of falling off. The gates opened as if someone had just clicked their fingers and directed it to open. 

When we trotted in, my eyes widened in astonishment. This place was amazing! The buildings had a style that I had never seen before in my life. But it wasn't just the buildings that amazed me, the people of the village didn't fail to impress me either. The women were wearing long dark dresses of which reached down to their ankles, and their hair was tied in a range of hairstyles that I had never even heard of before. The men where in leather button up shirts and long leather pants. They all had their eyes on me, they looked somewhat - Uncomfortable, as if they were under pressure or something. Then I looked down at my clothes and felt a sudden wave of akwardness as I realised that I was still in my clothes from last night, for I had not been given the opportunity to change. I blushed as I lowered my gaze to the ground below  to hopefully be able to ignore the odd stares of disapproval.

When I looked up, my mouth must've fallen open, for what I saw, was -

I can't even describe it.

What was before me was indescribable.

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