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I let out a pierce shriek of horror to the creature that stood outside the car. 

It looked like an enlarged puma, except it had red eyes, with ripples of green in them, and had scales running up it's back and tail. 

Now, i'd like to announce to you that I am not a brave person. Yet, I found some sort of urge to approach the beast. I know, it was a stupid thing to do. A really stupid thing to do.

As I opened the door to the car, the beast narrowed its eyes at me, it's scaled tail flicking back and fourth every few seconds. Flick. Flick. Flick.

Its pupils narrowed as it focused it's vision on my figure, causing my heart to thud. My heart began to thud so loudly that in the still twilight of the night, that was the only sound to be heard. Except for the eventual sounds of the beast's tail flicks and the russle of an assortment of tree's that I had not taken notice of earlier.

As I approached, my body began to tremble violently, and my feet were threatining to give way. But apart from this, I continued to feel the urge to near the beast. Our eyes locked in contact. 

I halted. My breath coming out of my mouth in clouds of icy mist. 

A voice in my head kept on nagging me. Run. Don't take your chances! It could take a blink of an eye for this thing to kill you!

As I began to approach it at a slower pace, the calm, yet tense atmosphere was broken, as my heel rested upon a dead twig, causing a cracking sound, which echoed around the forest surrounding me.

The beast's eyes resumed to the way they were, enlarged and fulled with rage. It let out an ear-splitting screech, and pounced.

I screamed, the moment broken as I skidded around, it landing at my heels, it's inches long claws unsheathed and aimed at me. Before allowing it to have a chance to swipe at me, I pressured myself into a sprint to the car, before opening the door, throwing myself in, and slamming the door in record time.

As I sat in the front seat, my eyes scanned over the controls. Before striking a glance to outside the car, where the beast was clawing down the roof rack.

I forced my trembling hands to switch on the ignition, before wretching the car into drive, and slamming onto the accaleration. 

Now, Just to let you know. I had never. Ever. Drived a car before.

But I mean, how hard could it possibly be? ...

I slammed my hands onto the steering wheel, and attempted to weave myself through the 5 metre gaps in between each tree space. I quickly looked into the rear view mirror, to see that it was galloping after me, it's agile and strong body easily pounding through the moist surface. 

I let out a massive sigh of relief as I reached the exit of the woods, a new arrangement of land spreaded across the horizon. Green fields of a variety of flowers that I had never seen in my life spread out for miles. 

If I weren't in the situation that I was in, I probably would have stopped the car, gotten out, smiled, and taken a picture.

But, lets just get to the conclusion that I was in no near situation close enough to do so.

Just when I thaught that things couldn't have gotten any worse,

The car collided with a ditch.

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