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I sit there strapped to the cold metal table waiting for whatever death and torture that I will recieve. Minutes pass by that seem to turn into hours before a lady in a white nurse outfit came in followed by a heavy-built man

"Take her to room 211 Dr. Phillip with be in there soon" the lady says before I'm rolled out into the hall being pushed by this man. I try to move around underneath the straps but I can't as they are tight against my skin. I mentally groan at myself for being weak. As I'm rolled to the room I turn my head to see the other rooms that we pass by. As we pass them the people inside were standing at the door's window banging and pleading to be let out or to bring something to them. Some just stood there standing, staring and not moving a muscle almost like a zombie-like state. 

Soon we turn into a room that is dark at first but then turns bright as the lights were turned on. I look around as much as I could and saw that this was one of the exam rooms that this sicko uses to do what he does to these poor people. I'm placed in the center of the room underneath a huge lamp that blinds me, a door is opened

"Ah how nice of you to join us Margret" Dr. Philip says as he comes closer to me 

"Bite me" I say before spitting in his face

"See that's what intreges me about you is that you do this act to seem all tough when really you're terrified on the inside" he explains grabbing a syringe and filling it up with something

"What are we going to do today sir? Maybe some more pain through my veins or maybe a virus that will nearly kill me huh?" I poked at him 

"No, today I'll be trying something different then the other times" he came closer pointing it at me

"What's that sir?" I asked my voice audible shaking 

"Poison" he stated before plunging the two inch into my neck and pushing the liquid inside of me. Immediately he pulled back as I started to feel as though my body was on fire and was cold at the same time sending me into a frenzing of spazum like movements. My mouth started foaming as my spit turned into bubbles making me choke. My hand shook violently with no feeling what so ever in them. I could feel my body rejecting this poison that he put in me as it shut down my organs and muscles making the spazums slow down and my breathing shallow

"What did you put in me?" I sputtered out to him 

"It's a mixture of black mamba venom, tetrodotoxin, cyanide and some others" he explained calmly as he had recited this a hundred times. As I took my last breath with my eyes drooping down I caught a phrase that I would never thought I hear

"I'll miss you Margret Ann McClain" 

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