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Winter's P.O.V.*

The only reason I'm being polite to Sapphira is because I know it'll cause problems if I'm not. I look into the mirror and sigh. My hair is slowly turning snow white and I know exactly why. Angie was my other half, she kept my heart warm. Being my cousin, she loved me unconditionally. Now that she's dead, and I know it's my fault for not protecting her, the ice inside of me is creeping towards my heart. When it reaches my heart, not only will my hair be completely white, I just won't be myself. I try to tuck the white part under the rest of my hair and pray it'll stay there. Someone knocks on my door and I open it, exasperated.

"There is someone here to visit you, Sapphira says it is urgent!" Aisha says.

"Tell Your Majesty that I'll be there as soon as possible," I roll my eyes, assuming Sapphira is being dramatic.

"Winter, I think it's Javian's brother!" Aisha says urgently.

I look up and breathe out hard.

"That's impossible.."


"Xander is here to tell us something!" Javian announces. Everyone comes on the deck and stares at their betrayer.

"I know you all probably hate me, but I'm here to tell you something that may change your views!" Xander says.

"Your news better be super amazing!" Chris criticizes.

"I know how to stop Madeline from doing something she'll regret, and the answer has been among you this whole time!" Xander exclaims.

"Madeline is the one most powerful JRC members! How are we going to stop her from killing Jafar and taking over the rest of the land?" Sapphira asks.

"That girl right there, I saw her freeze part of the hovercraft last night," Xander says, pointing at me. Everyone looks at me.

"You think she can freeze Maddy long enough for us to take her back to the ship and talk some sense into her?" Javian asks. Xander nods and everyone starts chattering at once.

"Thats such a huge responsibility to put on one person, we're going to need another way!" Sapphira tells everyone.

"I can handle it, I'm tired of being useless. Let me help the team, I need something to keep my mind of Angie," I volunteer.

"So what is our job?" Killian asks.

"Xander I think you should stay with the villains as a spy.." Javian says.

"Are you sure?" Xander asks.

"Positive, I can't risk the mission for personal matters , we'll have time to become proper brothers after all this is over!"

Xander nods and pats Javian's back.

"Chris and Parker, come with me to question Jafar!" Sapphira orders.

"What are we supposed to do?" Killian asks.

"You guys need to stay here and help Winter train. She needs to be very precise for when she battles Madeline," Sapphira instructs us.

*Chris' P.O.V.*

Parker walks ahead, protecting Sapphira and guiding us. I walk behind Sapphira, protecting her and trudging through hot sand. I'm not a small guy, so the heat is really getting to me.

"Sapphira, I am so sorry for everything!" I apologize. Sapphira shrugs and waves a hand.

"This is barely your fault, if anyone should apologize, it's Ariel.." she trails off. I think of explaining why it's more my fault as well, but decide against it. Only I should know that Maddy has always had an abandonment problem. She felt her mom abandoned her, and when I left her for Ruby, she only got a stronger sense of that.

For the rest of the way we walked in silence. When we reached the Lost Boys hideout, Parker knocked on the door and whispered the code. A small boy with fox fur on his head answered.

"You guys are here for Jafar? Come this way," he says and walks inside. He opens a door with a code on it and Jafar sits st a table.

"Let's get this over with, what are her plans?" I ask.

"I'm sure you already know.." Jafar drawls.

"Listen, you're the one that asked US to hide you. So if you don't cooperate, we can feed you to the alligator!" Parker threatens.

"Whatever you think she's planning, you are probably right." Jafar says again.

"So she's trying to kill off all members of the Royal Council?" Sapphira asks. Jafar doesn't say anything but he laughs crazily.

"I guess we have our answer.." I say.

*Xander's P.O.V.*

"Have you ever thrown icicles?" I ask Winter.

"No, I usually just freeze things, it seems to work," she shrugs. I laugh and smile.

"Try to imagine an icicle coming out instead, aim it at the dart board" I instruct her. She nods and puts her hand up and I can tell she's concentrating. Suddenly, out her wrist comes mini icicles and they head towards me. I put my foot to the side and go to move but they pin me back onto the ship.

Winter starts laughing really hard and comes to free me. She takes the icicle off my shoulder and throws it onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen!" she giggles. Her dimples show and I can't help but admire them.

"So are we gonna try that again?" she asks. I find my head empty when I look at her but I nod.

"Take... take all the time you need!" I say and she nods

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