Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Forgive me 

You wake up and realized you were still on floor. You intermediately started to cry again .
"No I won't cry anymore"you said and wiped your tears.You heard a phone and saw that Kaiba is calling you. "Good morning ____ are you ready?".
"For what?"
"For competition. ____ are you alright? You would never forget something like that" Kaiba asked you worried.
"Yes I am . See ya " you said and quickly put the phone on the table. "I need to be strong. Today is a important day." You sighed and dressed yourself. You took the keys from your car and came in and start to drive towards school.
"Maybe it's better to me to let a music."you turn on the radio.
~Listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye~
"Why does every song need to remind me of Yami?" You said angry and turn off the radio.
You came in front of the school and waited for Kaiba. After a couple of minutes he came and approached you.
"Hey ____."
You put on fake smile "Hey Kaiba. Ready?" He nodded and came in.

Yami's P.O.V.

I saw ____ and Kaiba came in the school but I hide myself and waited for gang.
"Yami!" Yugi approached to me and I smiled. "It's better for you to find ____ and wish her a good luck. She and Kaiba have a competition today. If they win they will give a prize money for children".
I looked shocked and sighed. "It's not Yugi".
"Why? What's happened Yami?"asked Yugi .
"Me and ____ had a fight because I was jealous that she was maybe cheated on me. I was wrong and took it the wrong way and so we had a big fight. She said I was just using her but I would never use her, oh no. I feel so stupid and so now were done. Me and ____ aren't together anymore." I told him.
"Yami *he just shook his head* your were just making assumptions. You of all people should know that she would never do that. If you not using her then make her forgive you. Go show her that your not. I know for a fact that ____ loves you very much." Yugi said.
"But Yugi I don't think she'll ever forgive me, not after what I've done." I looked at the ground sadly. ____ will never forgive me.
"Yami just try, you'll never know. ____ might forgive you, you just have to try." Yugi looked at me with determined eyes and I could see he meant it.
I just sighed and finally said, "Ok Yugi I'll try." However if I'm going to do this I'm going to have to wait for ____ and Kaiba to finish their competition.

Your P.O.V

You and Kaiba came in and the competition started.You sighed and Kaiba put a hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry. We will win"said Kaiba and you nodded.
You came in and sat beside Kaiba. There was two more person. One boy and one girl . The girl had blonde hair and the boy also.You remember something.The girl is Lena.The girl who was your best friend.She looked at you and then at Kaiba.
"___ is that..."
"That bitch!What she doing here?"asked Kaiba angry.
"She just want money.But screw her I believe we will win"you said and then looked to the audience.There was the whole school.You sighed and the competition started.You quickly realize that Lena cheat but there was nothing you can do.You can't make drama here.
'I and Kaiba have the same points as them.I just hope the last question would be something where she can't cheat' you thought in yourself.
"For the last question is to solve this"said a man and wrote on table a math task.You smiled and looked at Lena who was sweating.
''Lena and Jon do you know to solve this"
They shook with their head and you sighed.
"____ and Kaiba do you know".You nodded and solve the math task."The answer is correct. Congratulations! Here is your prize money"you and Kaiba took the paper."So Miss ____ and Mr.Kaiba what would you do with this money?".
"We will give the prize money for children in orphanage.They need this money more then I and Kaiba."you said and then one little girl came and hugged you.
"Lilly come back here"a boy around your age took Lilly's hand and looked at you."I'm sorry ___ . I and Lilly live in orphanage.Lilly was worried about this and that's why she hugged you.She just want to say thank you.".You smiled and kneel to the little girl.
"Well Lilly you don't need to worried any more.You,your brother and all the children will be okay"you said and hugged her.She hugged you back.
"Arigato"she whispered.The audience started to applauded .

Yami's P.O.V.

I could here the applause. I was going to catch ____ when she is alone. I'm not jealous of Kaiba anymore and I have to do what Yugi told, just tell her the truth. Show her your not using her. I sighed. How am I going to show that I wasn't using? This was a difficult task but I'm just going to have a nice long talk. If she doesn't forgive me then my heart is lost.
I saw ____ and Kaiba walk out of the area they were in. I slowly walk in the shadows approaching her with the at most care. I didn't want her to know I was here until I made myself known. I saw how happy she was when ____ won but if I could now all she do is block me out. No! I'm going to do this I'm going to get her back. My heart and mind are true but I just hope deep inside her heart she'll forgive me.
I kept walking toward ____ and for a moment our gazes lock. She really wasn't staring at me but it look like she did. Her eyes were truly beautiful.
I came in front of them or most specifically ____ and I could see her smile falter. She wasn't happy to see me but no, I'm going.
I spoke softly as I could, I did break her heart but I can fix it, trust me.
" ____ can I speak to for a moment." I waited for her response.

Your P.O.V

You thought about it for a moment . 'Maybe I was wrong , after all Yami is the one who saved me before all these years but the look he gave me yesterday were so ...'
"___ I need to go now bye"said Kaiba and went into his limo.You waved to him and he waved back.You looked back at Yami and said "Yes you can".'
'I wanted to say this coldly.He break my heart but I couldn't. He is the one who I love more then my life.He is the one who was always there for me.He is the one who I will love...for eternity.'

Yami's P.O.V.

I could tell in her voice that she wanted to say it coldly to me. Here I go, she'll never forgive me. I broke her heart and.....Yami stop being so negative. If you love her then get her back. I sighed and looked straight in her eyes.
"____ I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell and I was making assumptions about you and Kaiba and I won't lie but I was jealous. Listen I know what you said yesterday and I'm sorry but I can't do it. I can't let go of the one person who holds my heart. ____ I can't live my life without you because if your not in it then I'm lost and broken. My actions toward you were rash and dumb and I'm sorry for that but please all I ask, forgive me. I didn't mean any of it and I would never use you. I didn't do any of that in the past and I won't do it now. I love you ____ more than anything." I said all in one breath.
I looked at her eyes and what can I say they were shock but what will she say, will say not forgive and tell me to leave her forever. I can't live with myself that I lost the one person who can make me feel special. I didn't even realize the tears that were coming at of my eyes.

Your P.O.V.

You didn't even realize that the tears formed in your eyes also.
"Y-Yami...I won't lie to you.You hurt me a lot.But the truth is I acted rashly.And also I can't live without you.I..I don't know what to say but I think our love deserves a second chance."you smiled and kissed him quickly.
" do you still have the bracelet after all I wanted to have my memory"you said and hugged him tightly.
"Of course I do. I never got rid of it there was no point." Yami told you.
Then he grabbed your hand after releasing you from the hug you gave him and put the bracelet on your wrist.
"I don't know if it will work but it should and then you'll remember everything my love." Yami then kissed your forehead.
You sighed and closed your eyes."I wish to have my memory back and Yami also.".The big light started to go from bracelet and went to your and Yami's head.After a couple of moments you opened them again with a smile on your face.
"Y-Yami I remember everything now."
"That's wonderful but I have one question to asked. Will you be my girlfriend again." Yami asked?
You smiled and hugged him. "Of course I will Yami. I love you too much to let you go." You kissed him and he immediately kissed you back. There was no way in hell was he giving you up, nope, not on his to-do-list.

However as they both were kissing and enjoying each others touch, Bakura was not far from them. He was making a plan to ruin your life forever but he'll wait until tomorrow.

After you and Yami parted he picked up you bridal style and since it was late took you home. And actually to your surprise Yami stayed with you but no that you minded and thus you both slept in each others arms. You were glad you had your Pharaoh and Yami was glad he had his Queen back.

A/n: Hi my name is Rebekah Schmitz and I'm the newest author here. Please tell me how I did. I wrote most of this chapter but you must give credit to my sister. Yami's love. She's the main writer but I'm here to help write for my sister and fix any mistakes. Thanks reader and bye ^^

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