Project Knight

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Disclaimer! I don't own Rwby or Halo! Halo is owned by 343 Industries and Rwby is owned by Roosterteeth! I own nothing!





/Running Maintenance Protocols/





/Left Arm: Operational/




/Right Arm: Operational/




/Left Leg: Operational/




/Right Leg: Operational/




/Lower Torso: Operational/




/Upper Torso: Operational/




/Head: Operational/




/Sensors: Operational/




/Scanners: Operational/




/Repair Kit: Operational/




/Jet Thrusters: Operational/




/Boosters: Operational/




/Slip-space Teleporter: Operational/




/Hardlight Beam: Operational/




/Hardlight Blade: Operational/




/Projectile Launchers: Operational/




/Blamite Crystal Salvos: Full Capacity/




/Energy Levels: Full Capacity/




/Optics: Operational/




/Core Functionality: Acceptable/




/Communication Systems: Operational/




/Status: Functionality at 100%/





/Pursue Activation Protocols?/










/*Activation: Success*/




"Sentinel Knight SCRP-3795 is now online."

Okay, I know a lot of you will have questions to what the heck is going on. All of your questions will be answered in "The Banished Arc" and future chapters from here.

(Edit: The picture has been removed for story purposes. )

The Banished Arc: Banished LogsWhere stories live. Discover now