Cinder Part 1

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Disclaimer! I don't own Rwby or Halo! Halo is owned by 343 Industries and Rwby is owned by Roosterteeth! I own nothing!

Cinder POV: Location: ???

As I opened my eyes I was introduced to dark room. I pulled at my arms only to realize that my only arm left was cuffed to a metal table in front of me, my other arm... or what is left of it, is merely a stump. This burned hatred into me. Hatred for those who took my arm. Hatred to myself to allow such lowly opponents to win in a fight over me. That didn't matter right now, when i'm free not a single one responsible for my suffering will escape the suffering I would introduce to them.

The door finally slide opened with a hiss, allowing light to shine in as two Faunus (one was a dog Faunus with their animal trait ears and the other was a fish faunus and had two fins protruding from their elbows.) wearing strange black armor with some sort of visor on the helmet, both of them carried rifles of sorts. A finale figure entered the room as the door closed engulfing the room in almost pitch-black darkness.

"Cinder Fall, I hope you are ready to answer a few of our questions." I heard the filtered voice from the strange figure which had pulled up a chair for himself and sat on the opposite side of the table.


"I see. The silent game. That would serve you ill. After all, there are more ways to make people talk." He said almost sounding menacing. Almost.


"Miss Fall I insist that you comply or else you may not end up as the same person as you were before." 


"*sigh* Bring in Calmly Floats." As he gave out the order the two guards visibly tensed up and seemed nervous, but they complied and walked out the cell.

Camly Floats seemed like a strange name. Why would anyone name their child after a emotion and how something floats. 

After that thought the guards had returned and had brought with them a floating tentacle and purple colored creature that also had bloody red eyes and had red discharges shooting from it, much like electricity.

"Miss Fall I hope you understand the reasons for why you must comply at this dire moment ." He warned. I paid no heed.

Without warning my interrogator  and his two guards began to leave them room. As soon as the guards were out the door the interrogator stopped for a moment.

"Floats, make sure you get everything from her." The puma Faunus said as he stressed the word 'everything'.

The creature nodded and made chirping sound at his order and then turned to face me as the door slide closed with a hiss. The thing then faced me and made a few chirping sounds almost as if it were laughing. It brought up two of its tentacles and in a moment both split into a large amount of tiny cilia that had some sort of red electrical current arched between the cilia.

"We're *static* going to *static* have a *static* great *static* time, Miss Fall"  Its translator turned on with static and talked in a robotic yet excited voice.

I soon found out why my interrogator wanted me to comply with him before this.

POV switch:

Josh POV: Location: "Retribution's Arc"

I sighed as I heard the screams of pain behind the door. Calmly Floats was a ironic name for the hurgok, the damn thing was anything but calm it was always happy or excited when a prisoner needed interrogation. It wasn't like normal hurgok, Voridus's experiments with infusion from the Ark had changed not only this hurgok but a few others, not just physically but also mentally. Infused hurgoks didn't act like their healthy brethren but rather acted almost like the polar opposite, they destroyed equipment that they grew frustrated with, were aggressive at times, and the rare few enjoyed the sadistic torture of others. When Shipmaster Arc granted the demonic hurgok authority over all Banished prisoners on Remnant it took full advantage of that and tried to make sure as many prisoners went to itself as possible. Every single prisoner had screamed their secrets to the stars and many had taken their own lives afterwards.

"Sir, i'm scared." One of his guards said as they walked down the hallway, they had began to hear static singing from the hurgok's translator.

"We all are." I responded trying my best to not show my fear in my posture.

I could only imagine what kind of horrors were introduced from the hurgok and to its victims.


POV switch:

3rd POV: Location: "Retribution's Arc":

The door closed behind the hurgok with a hiss as it left the prison room. As it floated along the hallways trying to get to the main prison control deck it noticed how the crew parted before it and looked at it with terrified, nervous, or worried eyes. The grunts squealed and went into hiding, the jackals took several steps back and squawked as they rustled their feathers, the Faunus parted and had the most variety of reactions, the elites also parted like the humans and looked at it with looked of disgust or worry, the brutes to parted and wsipered to one another trying their best not be heard, it's more healthy brethren let out horrified chirps and had floated away as quickly as they could. The demonic hurgok floated into the main prison control rooms as the doors slide opened revealing crew members at their stationed consoles monitoring the status of the prison and prisoners. It then floated over to one of consoles, the crew member stationed at it moved aside without hesitation. It then placed inside a data chip filled with all the information gather from Cinder and a few other prisoners during the day's time. It sent the information straight to the analysts that would then transfer the information straight toward the Shipmaster and high ranking members on the planet.

One thought rang through the hurgok's mind as the information was sent. 

'I wonder what it will take to make this 'Salem' talk.'

Boom here it is. Sorry it took so long, I really didn't have much of a clue how to get this log done. Anyways, see you guys next time. Have a nice day.

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