Chapter 3: I beat Zeus at his own game

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Everyone ran into the Big House but I was just standing there, watching the storm.

Liam stood beside me, fearless and brave.

Our eyes met...

"I have to do something," I said.

"Be careful" replied Liam, warily

I walked towards the ocean, the wind shipping through my hair. I stopped when the water was knee-deep and focused on the sea.

At first it was easy to command it but then it seemed like the sea had a mind of its own. But it didn't and I knew what was going on- Poseidon or my dad was fighting with Zeus, his brother.

I tried a little harder and the sea calmed down but the sky was still blazing- Zeus was not giving up. Lightning struck a nearby tree and despite the fact that I was a daughter of the sea god, I felt stronger around the storm as if I could do anything.

I summoned wind and water to rise- I was making my own hurricane.

I concentrated a log harder. I had to stop Zeus from destroying the camp.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning came flying towards me, sparkling with energy but it wasn't just any bolt but Zeus' master bolt. If that thing hit you, you had no chance of surviving.

I could feel the heat of the bolt as it cane towards me. I was in a state of paralyses and even if I moved the bolt would follow me. I had no other option but to catch the bolt which was suicidal. Maybe Amy was right, maybe I am an idiot.

The bolt was coming and I prepared myself for death until I actually caught the bolt in my right hand.

I was still alive, holding lightning in my hand. The sky was still stormy but there was just silence. Zeus had been trying to kill me! My uncle tried to kill me!

I walked slowly towards the Big House, everyone watching me with their jaws dropped.

I was wet from head to toe and my wet hair had sea salt in it.

The bolt shined wickedly in my hands.

Everyone and by everyone I mean demigods, satyrs, and even Mr. D were bowing down before me. Chiron came galloping towards the scene. He saw me with the bolt and bowed down too.

"O' hail Phillipa Melanie Nelson," Chiron bellowed. "Conquerer of the skies, Lady of the seas, Queen of the hurricanes and daughter of Poseidon".

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