Smashing 🎃

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(Explicit Language)

You and mark carved some scary pumpkins for Halloween and put them on the porch of your house. You lit a few candles to put in side the pumpkin to light them up they always looked so cool along with the spooky music you would put on every year.

It was almost Halloween in a few hours but there were kids all along the street in costumes. Superhero's, fairy's, ghosts,pirates, killers from movies, mario, dinosaurs you name it kids were flooding the streets. The clock would hit 6:00 in 30 minutes and mark every year would forget to eat the candy so he would go out to the store before Halloween even started to get candy it was annoying but everything was last minute with him so you kind of had to get  used to it. "Mark you better leave now Halloween starts in 27 minutes" you yelled through the house "I'm going I'm going I'm out the door" he kissed you on The cheek as he dashed out the door. Watching mark pull out the driveway so fast he was like the flash before you knew it 20 minutes passed and mark had to be arriving but still no mark.

You walked over to the wooden counter to grab your phone to call him ring ring the phone went off "Damn it !" He left his phone in the living room on the black couch "Ugh again so annoying" praying he'd get there it's 5:55 and he isn't home. So while you were waiting these past  five minutes were super slow you walked back out to the front door and sat on the chair on the front porch just waiting for him to come.

As the minute passes you hear marks phone ring but you let it go and then it rang again five more times but ignored it and then mark pulls up literally seconds before the siren went off "Mark where the hell have you been!" You yelled as he got out of the car "Sorry the lines were Too damn long and the fucking cash register lady was a bitch " Mark walked around to his trunk to grab the bags of candy he had gotten.

The Halloween sirens went off and all the kids were running to houses getting their candy and a huge flock of kids gathered in a line in front of your porch to get candy "Mark hurry the fuck up the kids want their damn candy " you said sternly "I'm Coming I have to cut the bags open" rushing to get the candy out to the kids Mark ran down the hallway and gave you the bag to pass out the candy to the kids it was like this for the next two hours.

2 Hours later

Halloween was over and you and mark were pooped over 130 kids came to your house it was super hectic and overwhelming but managed to get it done the neighborhood was huge.

Slouching over the couch you both stared at each other and started laughing at marks ridiculous Halloween shirt he had on "Come on it's just a shirt that says I wanna get smashed with a pumpkin in the middle of it with a smirk on its face" rolling your eyes "I know I just think it's ridiculous but funny at the same time" you chuckled at him as he Un- slouched himself from the couch walked over to you to give you a giant hug "Love you" with his arms around you " I love you to" you replied smiling back at him "Now I think we can have a little bit of fun just us let's go" a bit hesitant to whatever he was thinking you just went along following him to the car as mark grabbed his shiny silver keys "Get into the car" you walked  in closed the door "Where are we going" looking very confused " Were gonna go smash some pumpkins" you shot your head over to him "Mark what the hell is this even a good idea... I'm pretty sure it's illegal" Mark laughed at you as he turned down a dark alley way "it's not illegal if you don't get caught" he smirked "let's go there is a row of pumpkins down these porches" You followed mark after getting out of the car and locking it "Fine as long as we keep it low key we could have some fun" definitely going to be regretting this but at least you'd be able to have this as a funny memory to look back at when your old.

Mark stomped at the first few pumpkins while you watched him from the sidewalk "Go ahead stomp the other neighbors pumpkins" mark urged you to "okay fine here I go" you grabbed the pumpkins set all 5 of them in the grass and stomped on all of them "I didn't know it felt so good smashing pumpkins it's like a high" mark was really going at it super aggressive smashing and stomping on the pumpkins he had got all 12 houses on the block.

After about 45 minutes you and mark stomped about 50 pumpkins it was getting late it was already 9:00 at night and surprisingly there were barely any cars. Both you and mark walked to the next block and saw a house with lights on "Shit we can't do this house" You nudged mark on the arm "Why not sure we can" He sneered back "No we can't they're home and in the living room"
"MARK-" he had already grabbed the pumpkins and started smashing them like a manic but that didn't stop him "okay we need to go down back the road okay" mark quietly said "okay but let me finish" you slapped him on the arm "No you idiot we need to go back to the car now" mark annoyed but finally agreed "okay let's go back to the car".

Mark and you ran down the sidewalk and back into the car to drive back down Carol Ln to the main highway to find another small neighborhood to smash pumpkins who knew you wouldn't get caught maybe or maybe not...

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