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You had on A white Tank Top and a pair of very revealing shorts for the day.

Mark would be home any minute now and being the caring roommate you were you figured that he would be very exhausted when he would get back Therefore you decided to cook up a dish for him. But you didn't even realize where you fucked up.You somehow forgot that you lived together. And That The outfit you were wearing very compromising and not the best at the moment.

Mark Pulled Into The driveway, and you thought nothing of it, but only attempted to make dinner a lot faster. Good thing that the food was almost done.
Hearing the door open, you proceeded to place the food on the plates, spinning around to greet him, "Good Evening Mark How was your day?"

Mark Turned around after Hearing your voice, after he hung his coat on the rack, "Pretty oh - W- What are you wearing?!" He looked shocked

Only then did you realize where you fucked up.
Ah shit―!" You exclaimed, eyes widening. "Mark this is gonna sound weird but I s-sorta forgot you lived here?! You added, quickly zooming past him to grab the white shirt that Mark owned, on the back of the couch and throwing it on. "W-What's that supposed to mean?!" He spun around to face you, a bright tint on his face. You only shrugged, grinning sheepishly as you began walking back to the kitchen.

"Let's just forgot that ever happened and eat, yeah?" You Said

Mark nods, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Greeted by the lingering scent of alfredo pasta, he turns to you once more. "I don't if this is supposed to be a way of poking fun at me, but I'd honestly eat anything right now. Even if it was your failed attempt at making curry last week." You pouted, crossing your arms, "Hey! I wasn't the one who burnt the spaghetti sauce!"
Mark rolls his eyes playfully a full-on grin on his face tugging you gently to the dining table by your elbow, "In my defense I was busy cleaning out my eye from the lemon you sprayed in it. I think you're trying to fully blind me so you can always hide candy from me."

"Y-Your head was on my shoulder when I was slicing the lemons!"

"Who sprays lemons in people's eyes while slicing them?"

"I sliced it the wrong way!"

"How do you even― MMPH!" Mark Was soon shut up by a forkful of pasta being shoved into his mouth. Pulling it out, he licked his lips, "It's not that bad." Marked grinned at you

You smirked triumphantly, sticking your tongue out at him in a childish manor. "See? I tol―MMH!" It was your turn to be cut off. "I don't like being bragged to." Mark Said  now smirking.

"Fuck you."

"Gladly, sweetie."

"Excuse m― MMPH?!"

After Dinner the two of you began to help each other in cleaning the dishes. Mark washing the dishes while you dried them . Hiding any hint of mischief from your face, you quickly swiped some of the sauce from the plate Alfred was washing and wiping it on his cheek. Before Mark could react, you snapped a picture and hid your phone before he could do anything to it. "What Are You Doing!" He exclaims, frowning and doing the same to your nose. "Hey!" You chuckled, repeating the same process to his forehead. Mark smirks, a glint in his eyes that you couldn't quite put your finger on But you knew it spelled danger.

Mark started filling a glass with water. 'That can't be good.'

Before you could even step a foot out of the kitchen, strong hands wrapped itself around your waist. Soon enough, cold tap water dripped from your hair, soon dampening your shirt.

'Well, that can't be good either.' You thought, regarding how your shirt was made out of very thin material. "M-Mark!" You exclaimed, snickering softly, but shivering as a few droplets Of water slid down your back.

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