Chapter 13

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Happy Halloween to everyone who is celebrating! I hope all of you are having some spooky fun!


Fumiko, couldn't take it anymore, "What do you want from me?!"

Mitsuki smiled, "Your mind."

"What do you mean you want my mind? I thanked you for saving my life, I didn't think you would want something in return! Why did you even save me?" Fumiko's voice was getting higher and louder with every word and panic was rising in her chest.

"Look, there is a huge database with details about every person that lives in Japan right now and-"

Fumiko interrupted her, "Which I'm guessing you stole as well!" She couldn't stop the anxiety from taking over all of her emotions.

Mitsuki got up and got to the desk where she left the glass of water, "Don't be dumb, I didn't steel it, we just hacked in the system." She came back with the glass and placed it on the coffee table in front of Fumiko.

Fumiko was breathing heavily, "Oh, because hacking is so much different from stealing?"

Mitsuki tilted her still masked head, "Calm down and drink some water, I don't want you hyperventilating here," Fumiko was about to protest, but Mitsuki continued, "You are a rational and smart individual. Now, try to breath normally and drink that water."

Fumiko opened her mouth as if to say something but then stopped herself. She knew Mitsuki was right, and that she had never put her in danger. On the other hand, she was well aware that she knew absolutely nothing about this girl that was now sitting on the couch comfortably far from her.

After drinking the whole glass and thinking about what to do next, she spoke again. "Can you please just tell me what you meant by wanting my mind?"

Mitsuki propped hands behind her head and looked up at the ceiling, "As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted me, there is this huge database, and by using that database, we were searching for suitable individuals to help-"

"Who are 'we'?" Fumiko interrupted, yet again, and internally scolded herself for acting a lot like her older sister, Nara.

Mitsuki stared at her intensely through the mask for a moment, "Patience please, I will explain everything. Eventually." She cleared her throat, "As I was saying, we were searching for suitable individuals to help us completely stop the pandemic, and try to turn the world back to normal. Or as close to normal as we can get. To make sure that everyone feels safe, and to help people return to their home countries without the fear of getting killed."

"How am I supposed to help you with that?"

"Good, now you are back to the more constructive questions. You, my dear Fumiko, are a genius in the lab, and you have insomnia, which is in the register of mental illnesses, just so you know."

Fumiko froze for a second. "How do you know about that?"

"Well it was pretty easy, you just open the book and there is a list of-"

Fumiko was losing patience, and she acted like Nara would, again. "Don't act dumb, you know what I'm talking about."

Mitsuki smiled to herself, "Oh, you mean, how do I know about insomnia? Well, it was also pretty easy, you see with that database-"

"It is impossible that anything about insomnia was written there, I would have been taken away a while back!" Fumiko lowered her head, she couldn't stand this anymore, and she just wanted to be home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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